I did sleep a little better but when I did wake for the bathroom trips my legs were stiff and hurt the same with my hands. I am wondering if the salt I made the foods with this week is the culprit. They are fine now but it was uncomfortable. A theory is I didn’t have enough water yesterday and the small amount that I did have rebelled.
We did our daily routine and tried out the new fancy feast type. They seemed to eat it with no problem. I haven’t given them the “hairball gel” yet today. I did put it in their food and not sure how it went. I think tiger avoided it in both bowls.
I went to the couch and fell asleep until 6:30. I did some channel surfing and then fell back to sleep until 8:30. I watched NCIS and texted the girls and the sibs. The titans ambled around a little and then Sky sat above me and Tiger stayed out back. Now of course we are back upstairs on the bed and both of them are sleeping along my leg. They will not be that happy when I have to go to the bathroom.
For the first time in a long time I thought today was Wednesday. I figured I would put off going to the gym as my legs were still a little stiff and I was just waking up. I couldn’t understand why NCIS wasn’t continuing on USA, or why DS9 was playing still when usually its Star Trek: TNG. I even was writing up the midweek reflection. I even thought I missed the committee meeting! NO such luck.
I hadn’t planned much for the day. I was a little late for the committee meeting; I had used an old link. There was a petition we had to sign. Got some stuff to work on as a group. The rest of the time I either wrote (not large amounts of writing) but I also slept and watched TV.
I did call Supervisor to let him know that I was able to do of the HIPAA and one other thing. I just hope I will be able to do the actual training next month. I am still not able to get to Kronos but Supervisor suggested I call the help desk. I also told him I regretted my decision to stop working until the quarantine was lifted. He said the University also put that into place. I told him I probably could have continued to work since we had limited amount of people. I told him I will love my desk and he also admitted that shadow has been doing the job as well. I will have to call Help Desk tomorrow.
So should we be surprised that I didn’t get the Toilet Paper that I ordered two months ago? There was a message on it saying it was a slight delay. It probably will come at the same time as the wipes. I did get the refund for the gloves so they will not come or will come and I will send them back.
I had lamb chops for dinner and just watching TV. I did get a few more requests for pals from men. I will update my pen pal blog soon.
I need to finish some laundry and get ready for NCIS and return to my bed.