The Hematology office called

Apr 28, 2020 00:05

Actually I got a call from the NP from the office. He wanted me to know my INR was still not rising. It was still 1.0. He asked me if I had been eating any vegetables. I told him peas but nothing else he asked if I had avocado. I wish. So he wants me to come in tomorrow. I told him I was supposed to be coming in anyway.

So I made sure I took my warfarin at 6 this time. I have been going over what I can and can’t eat while on warfarin. I haven’t had salads and I haven’t had liver. I thought I read something about chicken. It had Brussel sprouts on “can eat”. So I am going to ask him again. The only vegetables I have had really are the Cauliflower rice. I have had fish but I think that’s okay. I will ask him if the chicken wings are okay. I just remembered when I had the pasta last week it was with tomato sauce and the same with the eggplant. I will have to remember to tell them tomorrow.

I have noticed that my stomach is read and has a few welts on it. I can’t tell if it was the fact that cats have walked across it so many times or if I am having a reaction to the meds. I put some lotion on it to see If it will ease the irritation. I wasn’t sure if Neosporin would do anything. I will try Hydrogen peroxide tomorrow but I better show them.

A few things came up in my work email today. There is virtual town hall for the entire University on May 1, 2020. I don’t remember the time (probably at the end of the day) and it probably will tell us what the plans are for the summer as far as activities and social distancing. It’s been announced on the radio that most of the Colleges and Universities haven’t made firm plans yet about keeping the virtual learning going come September.

An email from the YM employee engagement committee was sent out asking for ideas for alternate events in light of the social distancing remote work because of the virus. They have a survey they want us to take. When I checked with the amigos they had mixed reactions. It was the committee’s job to come up with ideas, and LL feels we should play Family Feud on Zoom with real prizes and not with what she thinks is crap. That sense of entitlement really pisses me off.

I am sorry but I am not playing games on Zoom especially if Administration is paying for it because from what I understand after a certain amount of time you are thrown off. I don’t know maybe I am being weird.

Anyway, I can’t seem to think of any good ideas for the questions. So I need to think about it for now. We have until May 8th to answer the survey.

I called Dr. T this afternoon but never heard back from her. I think Liz is right that having to deal with someone who was injured and getting ready for surgery and being called, text, and emailed is more than overwhelming. I will give it a couple more days and get the reply to her card out in the meantime.

As I mentioned earlier I checked in with Liz this afternoon. She was working again in the yard. She said it was nice out, chilly but nice.  She did ask me if I had heard from Lawn guy and I said no not yet. She recommended that I not say anything about his struggles but just that he wasn’t there when I needed him to be as promised.

After that conversation I went on to next door to find recommendations for lawn care and came up with three names. One was from Milford and I couldn’t get a hold of them. It turns out they were part of TruGreen? I looked on line and the reviews were not great. There were two others and they seemed to be in Hamden and one other place. I was going to try Angie’s List but I have to decide if I need them weekly or biweekly or monthly or bimonthly. I couldn’t decide so I gave up. I will try again tomorrow.

The cats seem to be feeling better than they did over the weekend. They slept and had their meals and both curled up on the other sofa while I was watching TV and doing crossword puzzles. The Vet called me just before lunch to see if I wanted to bring them in and I told her know that I realized what it was and I was sorry to bother them. They are back at the foot of my bed and settling in for the next four hours.

I didn’t get much of any letters written. I will try again tomorrow before leaving for the hematologist. I didn’t get any mail today and was hoping that my amazon deliveries would show up early. It didn’t happen.

kitties, lab work, labor, health, family

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