On March 9 Connecticut had its first confirmed Corona Virus case. As the days followed more and more cases emerged and Schools, Companies, and businesses and families were asked to change the routines and move to remote learning, working etc. Since then stores have many empty shelves and don’t know when they get filled. They also open their doors to seniors and those who are more susceptible to health problems to shop earlier than the public at large.
Some businesses are closing and some won’t be reopening and people will lose their jobs and have to deal with that stress. Luckily I am not there yet.
I was off from the 16th of March until Monday morning. I had been spending the time off catching up on writing, pen pal stuff, exercising when I could (mostly walking), watching TV and very little decluttering. I am still waiting to get rid of a file cabinet and not sure when we will be doing it.
I went back to work Monday. There was a lot of mail that had piled up during the week and I managed to put a dent in it for the last two days but still have more to go. There haven’t been a large number of people in the building. I have done a lot of standing and by the end of the day I would be exhausted. I got an early morning call from Supervisor telling me I don’t have to come in today but I will tomorrow and home Friday. He says he needs to stagger the number of people in the office. I am not certain when we are officially coming back although there have been a few dates bantered around.
The 4th district officer’s election went well last night. I had no problem dialing in to the conference call. I guess we have to do it again next week as well. We discussed the conventions if and when ever they finally decide to have. Some are supposedly in May all contingent on the Outbreak and Quarantine.
My entire meet ups have been cancelled for a while. The finding friends had a unique idea having a virtual happy hour on line. It starts at 5:30 but I don’t think I can do it I am usually tired and achy. I had all I could do for the conference call las t night.
The cats are doing well. They do their shtick every day and every night. Sky got up around 3:30 or so after I got up for a bathroom visit and came back and climbed on to the bed under the covers and then decided to play with my feet thinking they were a critter. I guess he went downstairs. Tiger has been sleeping under the bed lately.
The weather has been a mixed bag this week we had snow showers and rain and yesterday sunshine. I heard we will have more rain later on in the week and a thunderstorm for the weekend..