More and More

Mar 12, 2020 17:55

After President Trumps announcement of travel restrictions to Europe and Governor Lamont’s State of Emergency Declaration more and more activities, schools, and companies are either closing, canceling, moving classes to online, and limiting interaction between people.

The annual St Patrick’s Day parade was cancelled in Milford. They are releasing updates for businesses, and schools in the town.

As of right now our office is open unless someone gets the virus. I am also stating that if we feel sick we go home. I am under impression that it will be like being on recess. I much as said so to Supervisor. I spoke to a couple of people who seem to think that in the next few days or by the start of next week we will be closed.

I called the nursing home to see if I will be indeed running bingo the rest of the month. Apparently, there was a text or message from the state about volunteers not going to the nursing homes and community centers but didn’t get it. I believe that at that point the nursing home should have called the volunteers and informed them to not come. Late this afternoon I received an email informing me that until further notice all activities on hold. So that means my Sundays are free for a while.

I was able to have lunch with Mary A and Leslie L today but not with AnnB. She was working on an account and couldn’t get away. We were talking about our day.

I was supposed to have class at 5:30 but I rescheduled for 6:30. I was tired and needed to get some time to relax. I suspect I will be baling on that one as well.

Oh I heard from DO today. He was in NY coming home from LA. There had been an ‘Incident” on a JetBlue Flight to Florida when one of the passengers had the corona virus.


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