Just as I was getting ready to do another crossword puzzle before taking off for my session with Debra. Debra calls and had to cancel. So it was just getting dark I headed to the car and drove home. I took the route along Long Wharf and into West Haven along the shore line was in the house by 5.
Kitties were waiting for me and so I fed them and then ordered dinner. I ordered 8 oz prime rib with 2 orders of asparagus. It arrived just about 6. The delivery guy told me they have been busy at Outback. There seemed to be a fire at Texas Road house but I haven’t heard anything about it.
I spent the evening until 10 watching TV and the crossword puzzles. I had a great sleep and maybe woke up a few times. The kitties were really funny they were already curled up at the foot of the bed sleeping and waiting for me. They stayed there until early morning.
I finally got up around 6. Did our normal Saturday morning routine, well most of it. I stayed on the couch until 7 and then got ready for early morning exercise. I was running late but made it before it started. Pat led the class because someone was at a concert last night or going tonight.
I sent a text asking if we were having our 12:30 session. He replied a short time later and said no. He asked if I went to class. I told him I did. I even showed him the workout. I told him I felt I was able to keep up better. I told him I would be getting trail mix and granola bars for the hike tomorrow and getting a salad at the café.
That being said I have been trying to decide if I want to try and go shopping at the new Big Y grocery store that opened in town earlier this week. Someone on the Milford FB page asked what the big Deal was about Big Y. It’s only a grocery store.
Well if I remember correctly some have told me the company uses local farmers for their dairy, the produce. I understand their prices are little high. Now I live what I consider on the other side of town so it would be ineffective for me to go shopping there. Unless I was going to Dave’s or any of my friends that live there or coming from appointments or meetings it would be inconvenient. So Shop Rite, Stop and Shop (not so much) or IGA Adams would be my grocery shopping locations.