Few things bothering me

Aug 15, 2019 22:58

I am moving slowly again.  I knew I would.  Right now though I am a little annoyed with the laptop.  It won’t open one of my other google accounts and I wanted to do something with it.  It has also froze a few other sites and it shouldn’t.

I am also concerned about one of the titans.  One of them is having loose poo. I don’t know if it is the food I am giving them or the fact I really have to clean the litter box.  It's been hard to clean out the litter box.  Not all the clumping is coming out and it really should.  It ends up hurting my wrists.

The wrists.  For the past few days my wrists and forearms have been hurting just like they did when I was first getting the aches and pains almost sixteen years ago.  If I move it slowly it hurts.  I am trying to find the prednisone that I bought.  Can’t find it.  I may have to buy plaquenil.

Still have to figure out the GoodRX stuff.

I had my financial investment review today.  Personally I didn’t feel it was necessary to be there.  It was a waste of time for both parties.  He was trying very hard to get me to put my savings account into the investment.  I have my reason for having it.   My investments are doing well but probably could do better.  He wants me to also contribute more to it as well.  I am sure it makes sense to do it but I have other priorities first.

I got home around 1 had some lunch.  Then actually dove into getting the litter box out back cleaned up.  As always made a bigger mess in the kitchen.  I still have to do the litter mat but it can’t be put in the washing machine.  I will have to do it the way it recommends.  I just don’t know if the hose outside is working well.  I don’t use it much.

I did some laundry and need to continue to do it and get them hung up.  I was going to put some vases in boxes today but its not working for me.  Will do it tomorrow.

OH I did get  an email from ActivitiesDirector at the nursing home.  They are not having Bingo the first weekend of September so she gave me two later dates.  I picked the one at the end of the month.  So I will be doing bingo two weeks in a row at the end of September.  I just hope I will remember that when the time comes.

I got a wonderful Birthday Postcard from Linden Hall school alumni.  I posted a thank you on the FB page.  I got a couple of likes!  I was afraid there would be someone says “I didn’t get a card for my birthday.  You never know if you should post it or not or send a quick email off.  Then what would be the point of having a FB page?

The two lb roast that I cooked tonight came out really well.  Seasoned it , with italian seasons (Oregona flakes, salt, pepper, and garlic), cut up an onion and cooked it for 45 minutes to an hour.  Let it sit for about 10 minutes and cut in to it and it was great.  Cleaned up the kitchen a little and then took a shower.

Fell asleep on the couch until a short time ago and now going to bed....

life, vacation, weather, dinner, laundry, finances, kitties, activities, aches, friends, bingo, chores, sleep

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