I didn’t go to bed until after 1 sometime this morning. Actually that should be I didn’t go to sleep until sometime after 1. I tried but just couldn’t. I even set an alarm for 4 am. I was hoping to get to the gym. Didn’t. I was hoping to get to the rest of the laundry. Didn’t.
I did my normal routine with the kitties and laid down until it was time to get ready for work. I managed to leave in time for the early shuttle and got here at good time.
When I got here I Talked with DG for a bit and she is “okay”. I also had to search unsuccessfully for my password list I had printed out and now was deteriorating. I fear that it has been tossed or mixed in with other things. I hope it may be in my coat pocket at home. If not I have to go through all my sites and reset the passwords.I checked in the car on the way home and its not there. I tried again in my coat and its not there. Well at least i have the document in google docs restarted. I checked in the car on the way home and its not there. I tried again in my coat and its not there. Well at least i have the document in google docs restarted.
As a matter of fact I had heard that Facebook had a data breach and it was recommended members change password. OF course one of my schoolmates told me they got a friend request from me yesterday so I have been changing where I can.
Well I have discovered a problem. I have put my password lists under two of my different gmail accounts and I found the completed one under one and the incomplete one on another. Now I have to either print one out and review that one as google does let me have access to both or have it both opened. I should leave the different emails for certain things. Well that’s going to have to be tomorrow’s problem.
I need to get to bed.