1. I am thankful for my family warts and all. Got two videos of baby Sophie earlier this week. Loved it and miss them. It was her big sister’s birthday that I totally missed. Got to do something about that.
2. I am thankful for my kitties. They have been great. Sleeping with me at night. Keeping themselves busy and climbing to new heights. On more than one occasion one or both of them have been attempting to get on the mantle.
3. I am thankful for my job. IT's been busy. Had a mail needs meeting about the future location and what will be needed. Very interesting. I have been promised I will not be in the boondocks.
4. I am thankful for the Medical profession that keeps me on the road to good health. Everything still good. Didn’t really lose that much weight. Still have to buckle down.
5. I am thankful for my neighbors. It would seem that Neighbor Kim’s job may have been saved (her boss finally sold the practice last month)
6. I am thankful for my home. Dryer fixed (nothing really wrong except I set it at the wrong settings.
7. I am thankful for my friends. My friends are settling into their new digs in Nevada. DR. T’s husband sold his practice last week. Need to catch up with her soon. Pen paling has been on hold until I got the computer back.
8. I am thankful for the organizations I belong to. Campaign season is in full swing. Bailed a couple of times this past week due to lack of sleep and weather.
Ladies guild has a bake sale and plant sale is coming up fast. I haven’t made the cakes yet. Been procrastinating.
9 I am thankful for the weather. It was quiet last night for the first time in a few days. We had clouds and some rain earlier in the week. Had severe weather Tuesday.
10. I am thankful for the men and women who choose to protect and serve their country and their citizens even at the worst possible times. Enough said.