January 23, 2018

Jan 23, 2018 21:49

My goal to get to work by 7 did not come to fruition. Its okay because I got here by quarter of despite the rain and the darkness. When i got here said my hello’s and got right to scanning. I was pleased that I got a lot done with no problems. I joked with AC when she came in that I hadn’t had any problems. Of course we acknowledged the fact that the minute I said it we would have them. Knock on wood it didn’t.

The regular US mail was light and the other was a regular big box and I wasn’t able to finish it but will in the morning. I suspect i will be spending the morning working on the mail until my infusion. STill have refund letters to do so I am hoping i can do it tomorrow. I probably won’t be able to.

There is a collection going around for LT who had surgery last week. SHe will be out for a while. The deadline is until the end of the month. I have known LT my entire 26 years at the University. She was there when I started at the Butler building (the office for pt services, insurance) and we have had some really good laughs over the years and been through so much together.

I had my session with Debra this afternoon. I had forgotten it was two weeks since actually saw each other but we had a phone session last week. We talked about the weekend and my experiences with the gym search, finances in general. She did remind me that is okay to have quiet weekends. We are supposed to meet next week.

I didn’t make it to the store again. As soon as I left Debra’s office I went to Chipotle's for dinner and then drove home. I had my dinner here and settled in for the night. Well There's always tomorrow or the weekend. The rest of the week I have things right after work. Appointments late in the afternoon.

The kitties seem to be getting the idea to eat quickly because their wet food was all but gone and the kibble was still left but I put it in the refrigerator until later. Sometimes I doubt I am doing it right. When I fed them last night I gave them kibble but later on they were crying for more so I gave them a few treats that seemed to do the trick. I did call the vet today and their confirmed that the feeding is wet food in the morning and dry alone at night. The Blood work came back fine so they do have their procedure next week. JOY. Tiger is at the foot of the bed and Sky's somewhere.

As i drove home tonight I heard about the School shooting in Kentucky. My heart and prayers for the families there. I haven’t heard much about since then Not even online.

I am tired and I want to try and get to work earlier than I did today.

kitties, newsk, health, work

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