Jun 11, 2016 10:13
Was up early thanks to sky. He was getting rather impatient for breakfast he would swipe at my mouth with his claws. Now I know how Jim must have felt when his Kitten did the same thing in the past. I got up and did my routine. Bathroom, litterboxes, feed the masses, and napped on the couch in front of the TV. I also started to empty dishwasher as I left the kitchen a mess last night.
Peapod came this morning and not all that pleased with the results. The guy left with a few things and had to come back and then discovered that I didn’t get two of the items. I had ordered bananas and more Boboli pizza crusts. I had to call customer service number and talked to a Doug and he helped me out. Took the prices of those off the bill. It’s not like they haven’t done it before (a few things over the last few deliveries didn’t come because it was out of stock and they don’t charge for it) but this was slightly different.
The kitties went into hiding until about 8:30-9 this morning when Peapod arrived. For some reason I felt the need to go find them and I couldn’t find them until I came out of the bathroom when I found sky in the hall. About an hour later Tiger came out. Now they are probably sitting in the fading sun somewhere.
I have to tell you I saw something really unexpected. I know that Tiger is usually the one to get into the recliner (or under it) and sleep for most of the day (the one by the big window) but last night I watched Sky do it to the one I sit in most of the time and started his clawing so I shooed him out of there and sprayed it with the repellent. Neither of them have gone back to doing it. It would explain why they haven’t climbed up on to it recently.
It is a really chilly morning again. In some ways it’s nice and some not so much. The sun is starting to fade from the sky and it’s supposed to get really raining late this afternoon. It should last until mid-evening tonight and then sunny and windy tomorrow.
The laptop is nearly drained of power so I am going to post and then clean the kitchen and then do as I planned with the pen pal letters.
pen pals,