Aug 20, 2015 14:59
I have to say today is a much better day. I managed to get up my normal time despite Sky’s best effort to wake me at 5. He rammed his head against mine to wake me up. He finally gave up after awhile. When my phone alarm went off I got up.
I did the normal routine. I am getting a little concerned that the litterbox in the downstairs bathroom isn’t getting used. I looked around for any unusual things but didn’t see anything or smell anything. Thankfully I wouldn’t want to start my day with that. I may have to check the cellar but I don’t really think they did do anything down there.
I left the house by 7:30 and had no real traffic to speak of. I got to the office at a good time and worked all day. A part of me says i am making progress and the other have is doubtful.
It was in the low 80’s today which was a good thing and I think it was because of the clouds that had moved in this morning. They seemed pretty ominous and beautiful at the same time. I think we are supposed to get some rain soon. I hope it does because I would just like it.
I have the DTC 4th District meeting tonight and I hope it will be short. It feels like I haven’t been there in like weeks. Its going to be at someone else’s house though.
Got to go.