Dear Friends

Nov 27, 2013 21:23

November 27., 2013

Dear Friends:

Had a pretty good morning despite not getting out of bed until 6:40.  I managed to get showered and dressed and out the door before 7:30.  The ride in was great for a third day in a row. It was surprisingly warm for what was predicted.

I talked with Mom early this morning.  She was reminding me about the bag of ice we need for tomorrow (thank goodness she did)..  She was also asking me for a bed roll.  I don’t have that in my room.  We didn’t stay on long as she hadn’t had her coffee yet.

Work went well.  I managed to get my run to the mail room with no problems. I ran into some old friends I haven’t seen in awhile.  IT was fairly quiet for the day as many took today off.  We also said our final goodbye to Mary C who starts her retirement today.  I finished opening the mail from yesterday as well as today The second leg of the mail was not too bad either.  As the third and final one.  I was hoping to get a lot of the re-address mail done today but that was not the case.  I am expecting a lot of mail for Monday since “we” won’t be here on Friday.

I received some interesting news today.  There have been some personnel changes for my favorite GArgoyle. She is now sitting in AR in her original desk when we first arrived at the floor back in the late 90’s.  Some of us are relieved as she isn’t the “face” of our department.  She is rather loud and obnoxious and basically rude and unprofessional.  I have had many dealings with her and mostly unpleasant.

There is going to be a new AA for the Ex Director and hopefully someone whom we can get along with.  Who would be better to represent us to the public and the rest of the Med School.

After work Ann and I headed to our cars.  We didn’t chat long as it had gotten colder and it was raining hard.  Traffic again was as expected slow and precarious in some areas.  It was nearly 4:30 when I got to milford and to the store to pick up the ice.

It didn't take long and a few minutes I was home.  MOm was just clearing up the kitchen and putting away some of the prepared vegetables for tomorrow’s dinner.  I relaxed a while until Mom had to get ready for the wedding at City Hall.

WE got there at 6.  The wedding party followed a short time later.  They were already celebrating in the street.  We were going to stand out on the Foyer of the city hall but the janitor let us in and used the big room instead.  Mom made some mistakes.  She didn’t have the vows right and she said she only got one of the emails from Sylvia..  I just checked and she got both of them.  I don’t know if she saw that when she got home but she told them she would change It  She felt terrible but my feeling is (and if you are going to ask me to come along for whatever reason I can say it) you need to be prepared and not embarrass yourself.   I also think she should have declined because she was already exhausted from the holiday preparations..  Luckily we were home by 6:30.  They will be sending payment.

i was looking at requirements of being a Justice of the Peace and came across this very long manual for Connecticut.  Why is it that you want something simple and straightforward its complicated?

When we got home we decided we would get Subway.  MOm got a ham and cheese and the new steak subway sandwich..  It was delicious.  We both had the six inch and it was satisfying.  We watched TV and now she is already in bed.    I will be going there soon.

The only things left to do for the dinner tomorrow is the cooking and the turkey’s are going in at 10.  The tables will be set some time between 12 and 4.  Mom still has to decide where everyone is going to sit.

Oh and we have to deal with an obstacle course in the road.  There are two massive piles of dirt on either side of the street.  it makes it hard to maneuver.  I don’t understand why they decided to do that this week.

Well I think I am going to bed too.  i am pretty tired as well.  I am probably going to get up early but I would prefer to sleep in tomorrow.

life, weather, family, rant, milford, memories, food, health, sleep, house cleaning, work, coworkers, holiday, activities, friends, frustrations, mom, chores, wedding

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