fine tuning the bullshit detector, please stand by

Feb 25, 2011 09:16

Word of the Day

Lexicography: \ lek-suh-KAH-gruh-fee \ , noun; 1. The writing or compiling of dictionaries; the editing or making of dictionaries. 2. The principles and practices applied to writing dictionaries.

Knowing what you're doing only comes from experience. If you've seen this before it should be easy for you. If it's a whole new thing, you're probably wondering where your confidence went. Fortunately you are gifted with a clear eye and a great bullshit detector, so those of you who are going through this for the first time will know exactly what to do when the time comes. Don't give yourself over to too much planning or get into over-preparing for things that will come off a lot better if you just do what comes naturally and let God cover the rest. ~ Cal Garrison

Photo of the Day

by Stephanie Alcaino

Song of the Day

image Click to view

I managed to make myself sick this week by staying hunkered over the computer and chain smoking for two days straight.  That tends to happen when I have a massive urge to write that cannot be ignored.  I spent yesterday recuperating, so all is well :)   I made a submission Wednesday night - the only zombie tale I've ever, or will ever write.  Good fun, that.  This weekend I intend to finally compile that list of submission choices I've been yabbering on about forever.   Besides all the crazed, smoke and caffeine-fueled writing, I've gone with impulse on a lot of decisions.  Impulse is what led to my putting up the blog and writing a couple of poems - that I haven't put up anywhere yet.  The poems are personal and specific to the people who inspired them, so I doubt they'd make any sense to a reader other than me and those specific people.  That was a first.  The blog is doing splendidly, so I'm quite pleased with following all my impulses ... this time.

Hubby and I have been spending our evenings talk, talk, talking.  We've both had our heads deep in thinky thoughts all week, and he's been in the mood to share and share alike.  Today is his last day at the job, so that major transition is compelling him to examine a lot of ideas, and wayward thoughts he's had over the past ... year or so.  Strange how that happens, eh? His thoughts vocalized spurred me to open up about a lot that's been going on in my head - he was a bit surprised by my take on things, and by a lot of goals I've set for myself.  We've covered an incredible amount of ground in discussing events of the past year, and all that led to those events. Communication can be fun. And enlightening. It's pretty amazing what you can continue to  learn about a person you've spent almost 21 years with.

Hi.  It's 9:15 a.m. on Friday and I still haven't washed Wednesday's dishes.  \m/

Hows y'all?

of the day ...

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