New Edition Monday

Feb 21, 2011 10:22

Word of the Day

Inkhorn: \ INK-horn \ , adjective; 1. Affectedly or ostentatiously learned; pedantic. noun: 1. A small bottle of horn or other material formerly used for holding ink.

Today is likely to bring communication problems, Kathy. Perhaps a colleague is in a bad mood, and not very receptive to anything you might have to say. Or perhaps the phones are out or the computers are down. This could prove frustrating. A phone call from a close friend or lover could go astray, but reach you at the last minute. Don't tear your hair out! You'll still have a great evening! ~MSN

Photo of the Day

by Marcin Sobas

Song of the Day

image Click to view

Poem of the Day
inspired by William Stafford's "For My Young Friends Who Are Afraid"

What motivates the motion of my feet
The passion in my voice
The hope in my eyes

Remotely tangible truths that drip
Through my fingers
Thinly veiled memories
Of promises for achieving
my personal version of
The American Dream
And more

A push from deep within
Tenacious refusal to accept
Things as they are
As they stand
As they echo with sentiments
Contrary to that dream

by katden
written 2/21/11

I'm all thinky-thoughts this morning.

Stay tuned.

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