The Great Parsnip Experiment has begun

Apr 03, 2005 16:11

If you've read past posts, you've heard me bewail the scarcity of a reliable parsnip supply locally. So, I decided this winter to try growing parsnips. I've begun and I'm going to update the life and times of my parsnips in my LJ. I'll try and keep the entries short, and this is mainly a way for me to note dates and momentous events. (How exciting can growing parsnips be? Watch and find out.)

I was going to plant last Sunday, but we got 4" of rain, so I decided to put off the seeding of my raised bed. Yesterday it was cold and windy, but today is absolutely gorgeous: mid 70's and blue, blue sky without a cloud to be seen, although it is still gusty.

Added one more bag of soil to my raised bed, and I used a vegetable planting mix that cost four times what the previous bags of topsoil cost. I hope they appreciate the added perlite. So, using a carrot to poke holes 1/2" deep, I planted parsnip seeds with radishes another 1/2" away to act as a guide. The radishes will sprout in 4 to 7 days, while the parsnips will take 15 to 25, so the radishes will let me know where my parsnips are. I used seeds from Lowe's: The Harris Model parsnip and the Cherry Belle radish. After I finished planting, I watered the bed and split the carrot between Spooky and Ralph.

Ok, seeds, go to it. I need a parsnip icon. :::Looks at ya'll beseechingly as Lazarus here has no photo manip software on her at all.::: Anyone have a handy parsnip icon going unused? I'll send you a parsnip or two as payment, but it'll be next winter before they're ready.
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