Discovery #1:
I can still make people furious with me, even when I'd thought I was performing a humane deed. Cloud -- the wingless Cloud -- assures me that Zack isn't truly angry with me, but Zack himself hasn't said a word, and the more time passes, the more I worry.
private to Zack )
I'm not going to stop being your friend, alright? So don't go thinking things like that. I was just teasing you.
... but, if you still want to talk, I'm more than willing to. It'd probably do us both a lot of good to get everything out in the open.
Yes, please. Please, let's talk. Somewhere. Maybe not Cavite -- I doubt the children would understand and the dogs are too distracting. Anywhere else. Where would you feel safe like to meet?
There's this little diner that Rufus took me to when I first got here. How about we meet up there?
[ooc: want to make a log post? am about to go fall over tonight, but should have some time this weekend...]
[I'll get right on it! ♥]
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