These are so addictive! I want this song. Nearest I can tell, it's called Caramelldansen. *is downloading it* The English lyric:
We wonder if you are ready to go
Arms up now you will see
Come on
Anyone can come
So move your feet
And jiggle your hips
Do like we
To this melody
Dance with us
Clap your hands
Do it like us
Take some steps to the left
Listen and learn
Don't miss the chance
Now we are here with
The Caramel-dance
It will be a sensation everywhere off course
On parties everyone will let go and have fun
Come on
Now we do the steps once more
So move your feet
And jiggle your hips
Do like we
To this melody
So Dance with us
Clap your hands
Do it like us
Take some steps to the left
Listen and learn
Don't miss the chance
Now we are here with
The Caramel-dance
So... My parents came and talked to me about the break down I'm going through in the last entry. Basically, they REALLY REALLY want me to go back to RBC and continue on throughout coop like I don't want to kill them all. Their arguments for this are basically this:
One, I'm pretty much done, so it makes no sense to drop it now.
Two, coop will be alot less stressful over the summer, because I will be able to get up later (Since I can leave later and then walk home at night, rather than need to catch a ride), and because my sister will be home and I'll be able to go to the cottage every weekend. That, and Frank will be able to come over, or even get a job in Toronto also and live with us. And I guess in that respect they're right. I still find coop stressful, mostly because of the retarded coop department here. And I'd still think I have no time to get stuff done. Even with summer hours and friends within a 1 hour drive and a car, it still stresses me to have a job where I do nothing.
Three, I'm only stressed because it's been a really long winter and I don't have enough vitamins and I should talk to a doctor and it's partly my own fault for not doing stuff earlier and I need to learn to deal with stress.
So yeah, not much help at all. I think I will just give my dad the information to contact the coop department for me though. As much as I don't really want to 22 years old and getting my dad to chew out people for me, I want to deal with them even less. I basically have til next week to work out what I'm doing, and tell my parents. I know what they want me to do. And I must admit, $18 an hour to do nothing is a powerful motivator. What I don't want is to talk to the coop department ever again. And I want to stay in Guelph. And I don't want the stress of the job. Or the stress of my parents. And if I went to the cottage every weekend, I wouldn't get to run a DnD campaign at all. And my parents wouldn't understand why I wouldn't want to go up there. And I'd be stuck in this cycle of school and work until I graduate, which would be my first chance where my parents would accept me taking a break from working for a bit. Probably wouldn't accept it even then. It'd be like "Why haven't you gotten a job yet? You have a debt to pay off!!" all the time.
I dunno, I think I might still drop coop. They make a good case, but the more I think about it, the more I'd rather be in Guelph. Even if it does mean not getting a new computer after all... Which disappoints me, I really wanted to get a desktop. I just don't know... I apparently should decide by next week, when I go home for Easter... Which Frank spontaneously decided he doesn't want to come to after all. I mean, I invited him, he said yes, then last night I mentioned it and he said to not go out of my way to invite him unless my parents said something. To which I assumed he mostly just didn't understand my parents, and how little they'd care. And then today, when I asked them, after I told him he was saying he didn't really want to come and wants a chance to relax at home when everyone else is out for the weekend, and that he couldn't really relax around my parents. Which basically just tells me he's paranoid about my parents when he shouldn't be. And it rather bothers me. I just asked if he could come, I don't want to go back on it immediately. Not to mention that I want him there, and he'd rather be here alone. I mean, Easter weekend is once a year, the house is empty alot more often. We don't have that much time to relax this semester, but for all he knows he won't be relaxing then anyways.
Fuck... I'm just tired of all this shit. Other things to do still:
Talk to my AI prof who emailed me about discussing my progress in the course.
Do Assignment 4 for AI, hopefully well enough to make up for the previous two fails (already assuming A3 is a fail)
Do Assignment 6 for Graphics, hopefully well enough to make up for previous two fails (although technically, I already passed the Assignments section of the course)
Study graphics such that I can ace the exam and pass the course (this isn't for awhile)
Get take home midterm on monday in Existentialism
Do take home written midterm
Go to Ethics and get back my midterm, which is hopefully a good mark.
Pick out courses for next year, despite not knowing if I'll take coop at all.
Do all this before Friday, as I go home for Easter then and the above is all due on Tuesday or Monday.
Rent a hotel for Anime North
Work out who's dressing as who for Anime North
Make costumes for Anime North
Get people to pay me for Anime North
Pay Michelle for Anime North
Make workterm report
Get evaluation form off Terry
Shoot the coop department
Work out last semester's coop term
Drop Coop (?)
Find Job (?)
Buy Computer (?)