Title: Copacetic
Summary: All right, O'Conner, who you got in mind?
Author's note: Post-Fast and Furious. Spoils The Fast and the Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Fast and Furious, and Los Bandoleros. Takes place immediately after Fast and Furious. Cowritten between and .
Summary from dialogue in 2 Fast 2 Furious.
Pairings: Brian/Rome, Brian/Mia, past Dom/Letty, past Dom/Han, Dom/Brian, Dom/Brian/Rome.
Word count: 30, 590
Warnings: Canon happened. Discussion of some backstory events may be triggering, not least of which because two of the four are ex-cons, and this is a pbb story. Also, if you are in TF&TF fandom, you can probably deal with casual misogyny of the male-gaze variety, but just in case: yeah, it's here, and we're really sorry.
Rating: relatively hard R.
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