Dear various people on the internet:
When I tell you that you are wrong about Slade's characterization, accept your defeat gracefully: you *will* lose if you argue him with me.
I don't actually insist that all of you worship me as the sole arbiter of Slade. I do insist that all of you refrain from using the "Slade likes his girls young" defense.
Because if you guys keep using that, I will BEAT YOU SEVERELY.
What do I have to do, people? No, this is a serious question. What will it take to get you all to quit using that argument? Do you want me to make a list of every sexual partner Slade's ever had so I can show you his sexual proclivities? Which, um, would be kind of a long list, because this is Slade, possibly a bigger manwhore than *Ollie*. How about everybody he's ever had explicit flirtation with?
I can do that, guys. I have the canon. I have the obsession.
Listen very closely: Tara Markov I is a statistically *insignificant* sample. As in, not his norm. As in really *really* not his norm.
The next person to say Slade is a pedophile -- or an ephebophile -- will be hit with the entire sixty-issue run of the Deathstroke comic and then forced to listen to a litany of every single canonical flirtation or sexual relationship the man has ever had.
Thank you.
(This rant applies only to Slade Wilson in comics, not Toon Titans Slade.)
P.S. Wrt Slade and rape, that has been said quite sufficiently
here. Call him a rapist again and I'll hit you HARDER.