Yay! A long overdue event...

Nov 23, 2004 14:42

Well I have some great news to hsrae with all of you. I finally got my driver's permit! I only missed 4 questions and they were on emergency procedures but I still passed. Now in six months I can take my driver's license test. I have been waiting for this day for a long time and I'm glad my mom finally got me over to the DMV to help me get it.

*looks at the date of the last post* Wow has it been that long since I last potsted!? Well then I think it's only right I bring you up to speed on whats happened so far. For starters I finally bit the bullet and did the one thing that I feared doing the most. That's right I came out to my dad.
I had been hearing so much anti-gay sentiment in the news and hearing it from one of the priests in my church that I stopped giving a shit who knew I was bi. Now comes the part I wasn't expecting, my dad didn't blink. He told me that there was always "don't ask, don't tell" and that "You are what you are". So know my parents know. I acutally feel quite at peace know with myself. Well what else is there lef to report on?

Oh yes! Today I got my beginner's permit to drive. Yay! *does happy dance* Now in six months I can apply for my driver's license. Good thing my mom and dad asked me to study a bit more.

Alas, all this good news is not without it's bad news. I was let go from Staples and I'm looking for a job as we speak. It sucks in many ways not having a job it was in many ways the focal point of my life. It even helped keep me sane at times. But oh well change happens for a reason.

I wish you could all see how beautiful it is getting outside with all the leaves changing colors. Before I moved out here I spent a lot of my free time inside, now I spend a lot of it outside enjoying the trees as they change colors. Oh well here's to hoping all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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