This is my new hair and my new hat:
Yup, I dyed the tips of my hair red. Well,
bryonyjayne did it, and I think she did a pretty good job. I don't think my friends back home are terribly impressed (they've said "it's different" but nothing more positive than that, heh). Everyone at uni likes it, and I like it, which is the main thing.
Also, my hat is spectacular and wonderful. I got it from eBay and it keeps my head warm. Hehehehe.
My essay on Brad Pitt 'Psychoanalytical Examinations of Fight Club' is going nicely. I only have another two hundred words to write, and then tidy up the first couple of paragraphs.
Tomorrow is World AIDS Day and as an exec member of LUUNA I have to help fund-raise. In the cold. Fun stuff.
Then, Friday I'm off to Cardiff for
la_de_Da_de_Da's birthday. Am so excited about going Tennant hunting seeing everybody!