Hello again!! I did a review earlier for KAT-TUN’s NO MORE PAIN World Tour 2010 DVD and that was my first review ever. Didn’t read? Come
here to check it out.
Anyways I decided to do a review for NEWS’ concert DVD. To be honest, I haven’t really been paying that much attention to NEWS. I feel so bad about that since I used to be so up to date. Haha during that time I was focusing on KAT-TUN and Jin. Ok that’s not who I will be discussing about though in this review so NEWS is the only thing that matters. The last thing I have listened to that is by them is their Sakura Girl single. Oh and their LIVE DVD thing. Other than that….nothing. Honestly I didn’t even realize that they had a concert until I saw that there was a DVD coming out. Again I feel bad. I love NEWS. Don’t get me wrong.
Anyways this is my second time doing a review. If you have something to say then don’t be afraid to speak your mind. And I am sorry if there are any negative comments, but I can be very critical sometimes. If I don’t like something I will say that, but remember that this is ALL MY OPINION!!! So you can disagree if you want. Also I might mention Tegomass a lot, but that’s because I love those two a lot. I am a huge Tegomass fan and I listened to them before I became a fan of NEWS. Just thought I would let you know. I am grateful that I discovered NEWS :) They have amazing songs.
Ok so on with the review!!!!
Holy cow! I totally loved it!!! It really got me excited to watch the rest!!!! Although I wasn’t sure what the messages said. If only I knew more Japanese XD And I love the member introductions!!!!
Yamapi: Omg!!!! Love him so much! He is awesome!!!! Personally don’t like his hairstyle that much, but that doesn’t matter XD
Ryo: Yay!!! He is really cool. Sometimes I don’t pay attention to him that much, but he is pretty damn cool. Love his acting a lot!!! He is in my top 3 fav actors.
Tegoshi: Kyaaa~! Love him!!! His hair was cute!!! Adorable :)
Shige: Honestly don’t pay attention to him that much either :( I feel bad about that, but hopefully I will.
Massu: Ahh!!! I love seeing him in yellow. Haha I found his sun glasses a little strange, but that’s ok. And I love the way he said “keii-chan”
Koyama: Amazing!!! He is such a great speaker and I love seeing him on Shounen Club.
Koi no ABO
YES!!! I love it so much!!!! I love all the colors they are wearing and the colored light and everything!!! Totally felt like a dance party and it got my energy up!!! Loved the dancing too. Haha it’s been a while since I heard this song so I loved dancing along with it. Well the hand parts at least XD Awesome performance :)
Loved this too. So much energy and full of fun!!! Haha. This was a lot of fun and still felt like a never ending party! Love the way the started out this concert. Haha at first I thought the middle thing broke, but it didn’t XD they were just moving up and down and I liked it a lot. Massu, Keii-chan and Tegoshi were cute when it was massu’s turn to sing :)
Sakura Girl
Yay!!! This song is so cool. They are all great live singers. I like the dance too XD Seems like forever since I have seen it. haha I wanna learn it!!!
LOVE THIS SONG!!!! Although I wish it was summer now XD Tegoshi is cute ^_^ Sometimes I think I like his too much XD haha
Akaku moyuru Taiyou
Omg it has been way too long since I heard this song. Haha tried to sing a long and that didn’t turn out too well. Kinda took me by surprise cuz I wasn’t sure what song was gonna come up next. I liked it though. Ryo was cute. Haha
Hoshi wo mezashite
I like this song. Again…it has been way too long since I heard it last. Love doing the little dance thing along with them. There isn’t much to say except that I liked it.
Dancin' in the secret
Omg….awesome!!!!!! brb gotta watch it again!!!
*wath watch watch ^_^*
ok back!!! Haha anyways….love it!!! I so wanna learn that dance. It looks so awesome!!!! Haha and massu had a cute attempted little wink XD Although sometimes I worry about the English. Haha I know they are trying to say one thing, but it sounds kinda off. But in a cute way. And I also just don’t like when people say “I can’t take no more”. Haha maybe that’s just my stupid grammer and all, but yea. Oh and “It’s like a fancy dancin’ in the secret” haha does that even make sense??? I still love it though!!! Something totally different ^_^
Boku no Cinderella
OMG!!!! Love it!!! Tegomass is amazing and cute ^_^ love their elephants XD thought that was cute. It surprised me when the stuff came out of their trunks. And I totally love this song. They are all smiles and happy. Makes me smile too!!! I love singing to this song too. Such an awesome beat and everything. And they just look so innocent on the elephants. I also wasn’t expecting this song. I’m not sure why, but I thought they would pick a different song. Not saying it’s a bad pick, just a little un expected. I thought they were gonna do one of their single songs. Oh well. I love this song just as much ^_^
Yoru wa hoshi wo Nagamete Okure
Omg words can not describe how stupid I feel. I normally don’t listen to slow songs and I thought this was new, but nope. I just checked my itunes and I HAVE IT O.O I normally skipped this song if it came on, but damn I feel like a total and complete BAKA!!!!! >.< I love the message of this song. It is really touching. Their singing was great. Times where massu was a little of, but that’s ok. (yea I have good hearing so if something is off I can hear it. Not trying to be negative, but since I am going into the music business I gotta have an ear XD) I am most likely listening to this song a lot more now.
Iitai Dake
Not really sure what to say about this. Not trying to be mean, but it was a little weird. Haha their outfits made me laugh and their dancing too XD haha wonder who came up with the choreography, but it made me laugh. I like the tune though. And when they did the talk thing…I kinda wish they waited to do that until the end. It's ok if it was a little talking, but that was a lot and when the song came back I was a little out of the song mode >.< Cute, interesting and funny. Yup that sums up koyashige
Endless Summer
First time hearing it and I liked it. Haha massu wanted to hug Ryo, but Ryo was like no way XD poor massu. And of course Keii-chan and Tegoshi hugged and Tegoshi gave him a kiss XD and then Yamapi tried to avoid Shige :P Silly NEWS.
Yes! Awesome!!! Those big things that they were on we funky looking. That’s all I really have to say about it though :(
Taiyou no namida
I really liked this for some reason. I mean I think the song is ok and that’s it, but I liked it a lot more than normal. Haha I was mostly paying attention to the dancing >.< Shame on me, but I wanna learn this dance too
Aki no Sora
Because it is night time….it made me a little sleepy. Not saying it’s bad, just the time I watched it. Although I heard it somewhere before. It was in the LIVE dvd thing right??? Tell me if it was cuz I can’t find the thing I downloaded :( It was a cool song though.
Umareshi kimi e
Never heard this before. It was interesting? Not sure what words to use here. anyways it was like an upbeat song, but the lyrics were a little slow? Does that make sense? Well if it doesn’t then sorry :( The dance at the end was cool.
Haha this was a fun song. The energy is back!!! Not saying that it ever left, but that they got the audience pumped up even more. I liked the fact that they got the audience into it by having them hit those big balls. O.o? Haha omg did I just say that!? Hahahaha XD sorry dirty mind XD It was cool! Tegoshi really seemed into it!!! Like in a playful way, but also serious XD Their dancing was cool too.
I like this song. Although when Tegoshi said “ Jump jump jump jump” I was like yea jump, but none of the member really did. Haha maybe I was just thinking of Ueda at that time >.< *smack!* gomen NEWS!!! Although something that bothered me was that to me it seems like a song that should be played at the end of the concert. Not sure why, but to me it has that feeling.
Ok I skipped this one. I’m sorry, but I just did. I heard this song way too many times, so I was disappointed that he didn’t choose another song. He is talented and all, but I just wanted something different
Naiyou no Nai Tegami
I liked this song. I thought it sounded cool. I loved their outfits. Haha mostly Ryo XD not sure why, but he looked good. And Massu’s hat was cute. haha
Happy Birthday
When I hear this song I think of them being in white not red. Haha but that doesn’t really matter now does it. Anyways I think Keii-chan said before that they have been together 7 years. If I got the translation correct and then that it’s NEWS birthday. Idk…just a guess. Correct me if I’m wrong since my Japanese stinks at times.
NEWS Nippon
During this song I noticed that there weren’t any back up dancers :/ I remember there being some Jrs or something in other concerts so it felt weird how there weren’t any this time. Still liked it though
Yes!!!! First song I have ever hear from NEWS> Amazing and I love it no matter what. Massu looked really cute during this performance. Haha and I remembered the dance XD
One in a million
Ok now I wish that Yamapi came to the US!!! I mean I love this song. And he says “million” funny :P But anyways this is the first time I am seeing back up dancers. Haha and they all looked cool. I wanna go see him and buy his new album!!!!
Love this song ever since the first time I heard it and that’s all there is too it.
p.s. oh and Shige bothered me a little. I think it was because of the hat he wore. I seriously didn't like it at all.
Yes!!!! I am so happy to hear this song. And I remembered the dance to this too. They did well performing this one.
Honestly I didn’t really like this song. Idk why, but it just didn’t grab my attention very much. The only part I liked was when they were floating on the balloon things.
Cool how they went around in the balloon things. And they also went really high to see the people in the upper stands. That’s nice.
Kibou Yell~
They seemed to have fun on the balloon things and personally that freaked me out. I mean they looked so wobbly. If I was in floating on that thing I would stay still. Love how at the end they did “Bounce bounce bounce wiz me” over and over XD haha I like that part
Massu was a little off :( but he was still cute. Again like “forever” I liked it ever since I heard it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG!!! They are so funny!!! It sounds like something from the older times :P disco sounding, but not totally. Anyways RYO!!!! Your being mean to Massu!!!! I kinda wonder where he hit him though O.o makes me wonder. And he was teased after that :P Silly NEWS. They were so full of energy and they totally made me laugh. They were being total BAKAS!!!! And I love it <3
Ichioku sanzenbun ni futari no kiseki
They calmed down a little, but were still being silly at times. I thought Tegoshi was cute ^_^ Haha and Keii-chan brought a smile to my face. Oh and I totally want those shirts!!! They look cool :P
Koi no ABO
HAHAHA!!!! I thought they were silly during D.T.F but this time it was like 10x more!!! Shige was playing around with a camera XD Keii-chan would say something :P Yamapi would dance funny. Haha Oh Yamapi :P So funny with his line. And then Massu too. They basically made me laugh this whole entire song. Haha and then Shige messed up. Ok either that or he was being silly.
“Massu’s butt go bump” HAHAHAHA!!! Yamapi!!! So funny XD and then Massu’s face omg…..hilarious
“Keii-chan’s butt go bump” Again funny. Maybe I am exaggerating too much, but hey I can’t help it. Haven’t heard or seen anything from them in a while.
Ok now lets get a little serious here….sometimes I wonder about the fans. I mean Ryo was being nice and going to the audience and shaking their hands and stuff. Nothing wrong with that until he tries to walk away and then they basically pull him back! And then someone stole his towel thing!! I mean wtf. If he gives it to you then that's fine, but don’t just take it. Even if it was for a second you could see a surprised/wtf expression on his face. Luckily he got it back, but still when he was walking away he was smiling. I would have been mad.
Ok back to Bakaness.
Yamapi’s dancing was funny. He also borrowed someone’s glasses. Haha red heart glasses with white poka dots. Then Ryo shook his hips a litte. And I mean a little, but I found it hot XD Then he picked on Tegoshi a little. Kawaii ^_^
Trouble Man
This song was playing at the end and that was cool. Never heard this FULL before. I have heard a little,but that’s about it. I knew they came out with it, but never bothered to listen. Gomen NEWS. It's a cool song.
I hope you enjoyed this review!!!! I may have seemed excited, but again that’s cuz I haven’t been listening to them or watching them that much. Before I watched the DVD, I only saw them in Johnny’s countdown. I’m totally buying this DVD. Ahh I have a lot to save for. First KAT-TUN’s DVD (not sure which version to get), KAT-TUN’s album/singles (Going!, CHANGE UR WORLD and N.M.P) , Jin’s album/single (Can’t wait to hear his new song!!!), a ticket to Jin’s concert (when he comes back to the US), and now this!!! Ahh so much XD haha Well feel free to leave your comments!!! Can’t wait to see what you have to say!!!
P.S. I can’t believe I did 2 reviews already *claps* Haha XD