Hello everyone!!! Ok first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Yay!!! 2011 here we come XD haha anyways, I thought I would try something new for the new year. I have never done a review on anything so I decided to give it a shot. Again my first time and probably my last unless I find something I really want to review. I was going do Jin’s Yellow Gold 3010 concert in Chicago, but I just got lazy -_-”
Anyways please no bashing about me. Please!!!! XD and nothing mean about KAT-TUN I love them to death. (I mean criticism is fine, but nothing like I want so and so to die. Yes I have seen that in some places) This is my point of view and be free to speak your mind. I would like to hear what you think about the DVD :) Ok enough waiting. On with the review!!!
Oh and one more thing…..haha I watched the first disc at like 2 in the morning and wanted to scream my head off XD I’m sure if I was at that concert I would have lost my voice. I wanted to scream so bad!!!! But I calmed down a little when LOVE MUSIC came on. (Not dissing Junno. His just had more of a happy feel then a sexy feel. But I love him no matter what)
Ok and one more thing. ALL OF THIS IS MY OPINION!!!! I'm not really trying to bash any member or anything and I'm not Jin biased. I know I mentioned him a lot in the first few stuff, but that's mostly because I miss his voice. Not so much him. I mean I AM used to the fact that he isn't in the group. It's just that this is a CONCERT so it seems different that just releasing cds. And when I did mention Jin it was mostly to say how sung his part not saying "I miss him". And yea I may seem negative, but I can be critical!!! If I don't like something I will say it. I do give them a lot of credit! They did a great job over all and I know I didn't say that, but I'm saying it now. I like it and have already watched it again.
Disc 1
Was pretty cool gotta admit that XD Loved there they introduced the members. I just really like them as walking soldiers. Haha XD Not a lot to say, but I was totally excited for it to start.
N.M.P. (No More Pain)
I like where they started. Above kinda like in QOP. They had a cool image and everything :) I wasn’t sure what kind of outfits they were gonna come in. (I thought maybe black, but what was I thinking!? It’s a concert after all) They all looked cool though. They seemed serious though. Wish I could have seen them dance a little more. And still loving the butterfly on Ueda :)
I actually liked this more than I did just listening to the song right away. I’m not sure why, but it just had something extra to it. I liked when the wall fell. Haha not sure why, but it just added something extra. It kinda gave them a different attitude, but it was awesome!!! Brought a lot more energy than N.M.P
Real Face
I was kinda worried to listen to this song. Junno and Ueda did a good job filling in for Jin’s vocals, but I’m sorry! I still miss Jin's vocals in this song. Like I could hear Jin’s vocals in the back of my head *sigh* I want Jin’s harmonization!!! Haha I still think it was good though. I like Junno and Ueda singing together though. Oh and Ueda with Kame was great too. Haha I like those two together :)
There was an in between thing where the members say stuff and haha. Funny. I swear Junno and Koki like to “play” with each other sometimes XD makes ma laugh though
Wasn’t totally expecting this song to be honest. It’s not one of my favorites, but it was still good. In this song, Koki was singing Jin’s parts. I personally don’t like it. I think that Ueda would be the best to sing Jin’s parts, but maybe it was because Koki doesn’t sing much in this song. To me Koki just sung it weird, I bet it it wasn't as harsh then it would have been ok.
Keep the faith
Junno sings Jin’s part this time. I don’t it’s that bad, but again…..miss Jin's vocals. I’m really not trying to be mean to KAT-TUN. I guess in some songs I just miss his vocals. I think I get used to it as the DVD goes on. Junno did well though :)
Ok yes I do like this song, but when they performed it it just bugged me. I mean the auto-tone I was used to, but they just held out the notes too long (mostly Kame and Ueda) and it just bugged me. I wanted them so stop when they were supposed to, but that didn’t happen. I mean props to holding out long notes, but just not that long. I still miss Jin’s part though. I think the rap and stuff was cool though. Something different :) And Kame…..seriously!!!! Shaking your hips too much may cause me to faint XD
Love yourself~君が嫌いな君が好き~
Still like the song. Found it somewhat cool how they added the rap/beatbox in for Jin’s part. Wish I knew what they said though. Maru did a pretty good job filling for Jin. It sounded really nice and it gave it a different feel. Not sure how, but it just sounded different. And love how Ueda gets close to Maru!!! And then Koki hugging Junno XD haha love their member ai.
Kame’s Drum solo
Hahahahahaha XD omg that's all I can really say. I mean love how to totally stripped off his shirt and all don’t get me wrong. I thought that was hot, but haha he made funny faces while playing the drums. It’s cool how he can play the drums and get the crowd pumped up, but haha not my fav part. (I should be shot. And I call myself a Kame fan >.<)
OMG!!! O.O
I’m just…..I feel…..omg…..
That’s seriously what I’m thinking right now XD I totally loved this song once I heard it and couldn’t wait until I saw him perform it :) I am so happy ^_^ I love this performance so much. If I was screaming while he was performing this then I’m sure I would be heard XD By this performance alone I could lose my voice. Over all I love this performance. I like how he used a lollypop. Idk why, but it made it seem more sexual. And adding Junno at the end was a little silly, but haha I love those two.
Song was awesome!!!! I loved this song by itself, but seeing it performed made it better! Junno has such an amazing voice. I like how his songs are happy. He really got into his song and continued to get the crowd pumped up. Although a little sad how that's all I can really say. I like the outfits :)
Understandable~key of life~Shooting Star~FILM
I love Understandable. That's a good song. I like how he used KAT-TUN as his back up dancers. Although personally I didn’t like how it went from fast to slow to fast to slow-ish again. I wish he just stuck with one songs, but FILM was awesome. One of my fav Maru solos.
Sorry to say this again, but kinda missed where Jin says “hell yea”. Maybe be stupid but I don't really care. Wish someone would have said that. They didn’t really seem that into the dancing that much so I was bummed :( They did try though.
Did dance more, but didn’t get much energy. And Kame really like’s to touch other people XD Haha that kinda made my night. Along with Ueda’s hip rolls. Idk maybe they were a little tired or something......
Not sure what to think of LIPS. Kame didn’t really sing in this song so it was interesting to just hear the 4 members. They sounded good together though
愛のコマンド.As the song went on they started to get people into it. But Junno did totally rip off his tie and threw it down. I think it went into the crowd. It seemed different from Junno...like seems like something Kame or koki would do, but not him. I liked it XD
GOLD was short. They seemed like they wanted to get the crowd pumped up more. Maybe they did, but they didn’t really pump me up that much :(
Disc 2
It sounded different than the original version. I liked how they were showing the people who were playing :) I liked it. Just had a different feel. Although I could do without Maru’s glasses. Haha
Honestly I never really listened to this song that much and never all the way through. Ok I probably have, but that was when I was sleeping XD Not a lot was going on though. Thought it was pretty good, but nothing special.
Ok I watched it again and I think the message it good. I am getting used to it cuz I said I would give it a chance. I'm sure I can like it if I listen to it more, but I'm trying.
I expected a little more for this. Maybe more dancing. I kinda found it as a let down.
First time going through the arena. Not around. Crowd seemed to be happy about that. Junno was being silly and had the crowd say his name XD funny, but that's all I really have to say about that.
Honestly I didn’t expect this song, but I guess it was alright. I mean this is probably one of the oldest songs besides Real Face. Good to hear an old song though.
Loved this performance the best!!!! Ueda is amazing! Loved the pics in the background and he just looks great :) He is brave to do that jump. I don’t think I would ever do something like that. Overall he was great and again….another hit!!! Good one tat-chan!
Was pretty good. I like the song, but I actually wish he didn’t do lost my way. I wanted to see the whole song of SWEET. I didn’t like his jacket either :/ Lost my way was interesting. Personally not my fav.
Well here is where I thought they started to get the crowd pumped up again. Seemed a little dull until now. And I love Ueda’s hair. Cute as ever!! And they all look good in white.
The crowd seemed to love this a lot. I heard a lot more screams in this song than other songs. Did I forget to mention that they all look good in white? XD
Again the crowd loved this one too.And they are actually running free, Haha I liked that. Before it was boring and now.....well it's not.
Once again the crowd loved this too. They all seemed into this, although they didn't really sing all that much. More of getting the crowd pumped up. Oh and Kame really does like doing things with his hands XD haha he would slap Junno's butt
Sorry, but I actually skipped this song. Not one of my fav and yea…just couldn’t stand it right now.
I thought they were gonna come out on a big thing, but seeing them on horses was cool!!!! I was totally surprised! Good thing they were really well trained. If I was a horse I would probably freak out XD still cool though
Yay! The energy is back!!! They did run around a little, but I thought there could have been a little more excitement.
Honestly don’t remember this song. Maybe I should go back and watch if I have time :/
Well I can’t really say anything about the performance since they didn’t even show 3 minutes of it. Mostly just clips of the tour. That bummed me out cuz I wanted to see them perform it.
Disc 3 55 min.
Wow. They are awesome!!!! I love how when Koki(?) told them to sit they actually did XD haha seems weird, but it seems like in Japan they don’t sit :P Idk correct me if I’m wrong. Oh and the fans got to touch their hands XD lucky :P The blue airplanes were awesome. KAT-TUN seemed really happy to be getting them. Not totally sure what they said, but that's still amazing. And KAT-TUN trying to speak in Korean is cute ^_^
wow……those fans really loved seeing them at the airport. And OMG!!! Ueda hurt his foot!! I’m glad he did his best!!! Although walking around with a hurt toe must really suck. Damn Ueda you are sure tough. Oh and they went in the air on a…thing. Can’t think of what they are called, but that was ok I guess. At the end the crowd started singing and I thought that was cute. That's one way to get KAT-TUN back on stage :P
Anyways….that’s all I really have to say about the DVD. Sorry if I didn’t say as much during the second disc because to be honest I got bored :/ Not something I wanna say, but it’s true. Anyways I hope everyone had a great xmas and a happy new year!!!! Lets all continue to support Johnny’s ok!? ^_^