Dec 27, 2005 00:54
This Christmas has been wonderful and different and enlightening. This year, I decided to ask a woman who was working at my school as a student teacher/assistant to come to our house for Christmas (before and after). Her name is Emi, and she has been living in Australia for the past year. Today she flew back to Japan, with dreams of saving up more moneys o she could return to Melbourne - her favourite city in Australia. Emi’s attitude is so refreshing. She was open to trying everything new, and she was willing to make friends with everyone. I have never met someone with so much sincerity and kindness in my short life. She embraced the Australian culture - and enjoyed the turkey roast dinner and vegies. And tried the plum pudding and she even bought us this delish profita roll cake - it was soooo good! Anyway. I just feel so lucky to have spent this year with Emi as the assistant for Japanese. I feel prviliged to know her.
Getting into the details.. Christmas rocked! On Christmas Eve I baked Spice Cookies, Short bread, and Sugar cookies with Emi and my Mum, and then my Dad made eggnog and all our family friends came over and got a bit tipsy lol. We exchanged Christmas gifts and put them under the tree. It was great. Then Christmas morning came - Emi and I slept in till about 10am, and even though I was sick (I still am *cough splutter*) - it was really exciting. I remember when I was younger I’d wake up at 5am and expect my parents to wake up and share the euphoria of Santa Claus and presents and bright lights. They never quite appreciated my love of Christmas. For me it’s never been about the presents (Well, that’s a lie lol - I like presents, who doesn’t?) but I enjoyed shopping for presents for other people more. I’d spend hours trying to find the perfect gift for each individual. My mother humoured me a lot. Anyway, back to this year.
We exchanged gifts, and mum and I had bought Emi this cute T-shirt and jewellery back from Hawaii and she loved it :). And I bought my brother a Ralph Lauren Polo shirt, because he’s suddenly into golf. And lots of other things for my parents and rellies and friends. There was a moment when I looked over to my brother (With his newly darker brown hair) and I realised that we had grown up, that I was no longer waiting to be 17, and a ‘proper’ teenager. That this was it - and if I didn’t make the most of it now, there wouldn’t be much left. I realised how lucky I am to have such a good family, we argue (all the time), but we care about each other - and we can put aside our differences and have fun together. We certainly aren’t one of those families that are all friends and have activities that they do with each other, or that play sport in the back yard together. Hell no. But when it comes to the crunch, we get along.
I called my host sister at 1am my time, and had a chat with the whole family. It’s difficult to believe I was there last year, having Christmas with them, in the middle of winter. I miss my host family, my host mother was fantastic - she cracked me up all the time. And my host sister was lovely, she’s quiet but caring, and very organised. And my little host brothers - that never stopped talking - god I miss that. Even if at the time I thought it was annoying. Lol. Connie and a whole bunch of my German friends are now 18 - hard to believe it. And they still have 1 year and a half of school left. Poor them.
Wow, I deviated a bit there.
Back to Emi, I hope she had a good time, because we had a great time with her, it was really sad when we took her to the airport today - I know I’ll see her again. We promised. Its just these endings are always so hard. I know, I know, a new chapter of life is beginning. But what if I liked the old one?
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and you all have a wonderful new year!