Construction is almost done at Wally World, yay. October third is out Super-Center grand opening and I'm kind of thrilled that I'll have my quiet, organized store back soon. I'll probably be transferring off the front end once the new departments open (a few of them pay better) and I'm approaching my 2-year mark there. My transitional job is getting less and less transitional but at least I get my 401K and Walmart stock.
I took the plunge and dumped my cable (basic channels only for now, just so I can keep my DVR long enough to pull anything off of it that I need to). The rest of the shows I watch are things I can get online with varying degrees of legality and I'm looking at a Roku or similar device to stream internet programming to my telly. Once I see how that works, I may get rid of my local channels, too.
Ficcing and vidding whenever I can, but my muses are being ADD and I'm just too exhausted most days to put much into it. Also thinking of reviving one of my original fics, but that may have to wait.
I've sold a handful of simple (cheap) bracelets to coworkers and am going to open an Etsy store soon. A friend wants me to commission me to make her a charm bracelet and I'm excited for that since she's specified a Sherlock Holmes theme (keys, pipes, magnifiers, etc and page quotes). *bounces* Heather and I went to a jewelry party the other week which was loads of (expensive fun). All the pieces are made by students in Haiti, then sold to finance educational programs and send kids to college. It's a great organization ( ) and the handmade beads are gorgeous:
Not such a fan of the filler beads, so will be restringing mine. But still adorable beads and an epic cause.
Therapy's been going well, although just lately I've been having nightmares again. I don't actually think that's from the PTSD. See below:
My sister's convinced me to go gluten-free since it seriously helped her with her migraines and stomach issues and I have almost all the same ones. Interesting fact: gluten binds to the opioid receptors in the brain, which makes abruptly discontinuing it feel a lot like withdrawal, complete with aches, pains, shakiness, anxiety, irritability, etc. Less than a week in and it sucks badly, lol. Withdrawal symptoms aside, it's just not easy. Shopping now involved carrying around a list of ingredients I need to avoid and cross-checking labels when in doubt (cheaper to read labels than buy stuff sold in the gluten-free aisle at the health food store, lol). I was watching a friend eating a hot pretzel the other day and kind of wanted to lunge across the table and suck the last piece out of her mouth. I even catch myself drooling at the mention of foods I don't like that much. But, to be honest, if gluten has really had this much of an impact on me without me knowing, it really makes me think maybe it DOES have the power to make me sick all the time. I plan on doing at least a month and seeing what happens.
I still have to catch up with all my friends and read their recent posts. I've been so remiss, but I figured an "I'm still alive" post is in order. I hope everyone is well.