work, beading, zombies, and a feline photobomb (oh my?)

Apr 24, 2012 11:49

work: hoo boy, where to begin on that subject? i am so effing sick of working in a construction zone. i was in the breakroom over lunch yesterday wearing EARPLUG because they were jackhammering in the hallway outside again. The whole place constantly smells of diesel fumes and, yesterday, we had ridiculously high winds which led to a dust bowl in the parking lot AND the back room, since we have... holes at the moment. then the wind blew over the construction fence. right onto six cars whose owners, predictably, were not happy. lucky me, I was manning the courtesy desk for that cluster-frack

oh, and a guy returned a BB gun yesterday. this was not a happy thing for me to have to deal with. i actually managed to hide the massive flashback i had at the mere SIGHT of someone pulling a gun out of his pocket (guess what I'm talking about next time in therapy) and was actually doing fine until my supervisor decided to pick up the gun and hold it so it was pointing at his chest. I think he was a little confused when I snapped "Just because I told you the chamber was clear doesn't mean you should handle it like it's unloaded!" but I'm sorry, that's basic gun safety even if you aren't a sufferer from gun-related PTSD

they finally posted a list of all the jobs that'll be available when we go supercenter and I'm a little disappointed. the new CSM position won't be full-time which means either staying a cashier for now, going to something in the back room, or sucking it up and applying for a department manager position *sigh*

play: went to a board game retreat this weekend with my sister (insert geek joke here, assuming you aren't too busy being jealous of the idea of three days of wall-to-wall gaming). Played some really fun new games and met some really great, fun, quirky people. Kind of in love with Smallworld Underground (an expansion of the original Smallworld and Hansa Tuetonica. Pandemic kicked our asses (you play against the game to try to prevent a series of global epidemics from wiping out the human race. we lost, but the human race had it coming. I eventually had a horrible anxiety attack and had to leave on Saturday instead of Sunday as originally planned, but considering how high-strung I've been lately, I still consider it a win that I made it a day and a half (for that matter, making it through the first night was a win when this was the view from my bed:

twelve geeks sleeping in a room probably designed to hold four people. getting those bunks in must have been like playing full-scale tetris

Also, there were zombies. We spent 5 hours on Friday night doing zombie larps (and by "we" i mean "kat larped while heather stayed in the lodge playing board games and shaking her head every time a shriek of terror was heard from outside"). In the first round, I was a zombie and we toasted the survivors. The survivors panicked and couldn't find the designated escape zone. I turned many survivors (most of whom deserved it because they kept forgetting that you need to double-tap to kill a zombie. Who knew that "playing dead" was a good zombie survival strategy? *snerks and bounces*

The second time, I started as a survivor and was actually one of the team leaders. Then the ingrates left me where I fell without even attempting first aid. I took considerable satisfaction in coming back as a zombie and turning my former teammates :D They still won, but only by hiding from us, so cowards as well as disloyal ;p It was a lot of fun in case you couldn't tell

Everyone liked my t-shirts, too. I had "Women and Geeks First", of course, and "Nikola Tesla: blurring the line between genius and insanity since 1856" ... I got several compliments. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my weirdness :D

I am so tempted to post one of these photos somewhere with the caption "this is how geeks roll, bitches"

jewelry: I need a new camera and I'm sorry for the shit quality of these pictures but I no longer have the piece (which a coworker bought and paid for before it was even done, yay external validation!!!) so can't take new pictures. anyway, here's the bracelet I sold and a couple of the necklaces I've made recently:

As I said, I need a new camera. Want to make more like this one, though, so will hopefully have better pics soon. And now the necklaces I made:

I love these beads, even if it took me six hours to string enough of them onto pins and twist the edges so I could incorporate them. Wire wrapping is NOT my strong suit.

by the time I took this one, the cats were getting curious as to what I was doing, so then this happened:

followed by this:

So, yeah, photobombed by the kittehs *pets them*

Not much else to report. Life is busy, tiring, and sometimes unpleasant. But it could be a lot worse and I do my best to recognize that. I'll try to stay in better touch with everyone here. After my nap ;p

strategy gaming, kat is a freak, kat is a geek, role-play, ptsd, beading, family, welcome to walmart, pets, work, update

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