
Dec 16, 2011 16:58

Still alive despite the long silence. I have a lot of LJ notifications to catch up on but not today since I'm struggling with a migraine. Hopefully this weekend :) In the meantime, update:

the PTSD continues to kick my butt, but I keep attending therapy and hoping it'll ease up eventually. I wake up crying some mornings but the dreams aren't as vivid as they used to be so thank heavens for small favors

Now for more cheerful stuff

I'm working on jewelry for my family for Christmas and am really getting good at it, I think. My aunt even hired me to make two necklaces (one for her daughter and one for her daughter in law to give them for Christmas). I'll be posting pictures of everything I've made soon. Some of it's simple, some is more intricate, and I'm branching out some on color schemes (one of my nieces is getting pastel pink, lol, even if other people are getting blacks and earth tones and brighter colors) ... after New Year's, I plan on starting to sell my stuff since I think I'm finally getting that good.

Ficcing isn't going great, but I toil away at it when I can and have one or two short stories I really hope to post by Christmas (hey, a girl can hope). Wish I had time for original stuff but my brain isn't that coherent lately

Am seriously considering going back to school but I'll have to see on that since money isn't something I really have to spare

Work. Oh, Wally World, how I love you and your delightful customers. People are always unreasonable this time of year and I'm getting sick of increasingly irritable customers, but I get some pleasant ones, too, so no complaints. But I've seriously had it up to here with construction noises constantly forcing me to have to shout to be heard. I don't know why people still shop there. But I'm not complaining (much). They recently made me full time (whoo ha, BENEFITS!!!!) and also have me responsible for training new employees on the front end, plus my cross-training for Customer Service is complete and my cross-training for Money Center continues. So, yay me. I think the cross-training and willingness to take on the roll of a trainer is a big part of the reason they made me full time.

Also, my doctor filled out FMLA paperwork, so absences due to migraines will no longer count against me. Therefore my job is now full time, diverse, and secure. These are all good things.

Off to take another Imitrex and a nap now, so peace out and bye for now. Will post photos of the shinies soon.

How is everyone else doing? *hugs*

ptsd, migraines suck, beading, family, work, update

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