pain meds apparently lead to fanvids...

Oct 30, 2011 15:57

I wanted to do a Halloween-ish Sanctuary vid but Monster Mash seemed too cliche. Somehow, instead, I ended up turning out a non-Halloween-ish vid to "The Time Warp" instead. I blame the meds I had to take to make passing a kidney stone bearable. Yup, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it *nods wisely*

image Click to view

enjoy :D

kat is a freak, sanctuary, fanvid

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nomorewords October 30 2011, 20:13:42 UTC
Oh, that was awesome. :-)


kat_rowe October 30 2011, 20:28:57 UTC
thank you kindly, hon *hugs* how have you been?


nomorewords October 30 2011, 20:34:42 UTC
It was. *hug* I got back from Cardiff last night. When it was good, it was awesome, and when it was not-good, it was exhausting ;p but definitely fun.


kat_rowe October 30 2011, 20:36:44 UTC
as long as it was fun *snuggles*

*eyes your icon* are you watching Scrubs now? and, if so, are you watching for any reason other than the slashy undertones? ;p


nomorewords October 30 2011, 20:46:42 UTC
Yeah, good fun, just catching my breath. The Bay all lit up at night is gorgeous.

Mm. The humour appeals to me, too? ;p We finally got a digital box and channel-flicking is my new guilty pleasure hobby.


kat_rowe October 31 2011, 14:47:46 UTC
it looks like it would be gorgeous. see any blowfish in sports cars? ;p

Scrubs is a funny show. have you seen the "Guy Love" sequence yet? *always thinks of Watson and Druitt when she hears that song*


nomorewords October 31 2011, 15:03:28 UTC
No! But I was looking out for 'em. And Weevils. Didn't see any, though. :( But we did see the Bay (and an impromptu tour of Splott), and the castle, saw Sam's friend up in this amazing place, Trefforest (the hills are huge, so gardens are literally built on three or four levels. SO cool), and the bar where John and Jack kiss and fight and chuck each other through windows. Lovely bead shop, too. Basically went to Cardiff and shopped for beads and books. And comics. ;p

I'm babbling now, but. Hee. That's me in front of the Torchwood Tower

... )


kat_rowe October 31 2011, 15:12:07 UTC
beads, books, and gorgeous gardens (and my lord, they sound truly epic) are all made of win. sounds like a wonderful time :) *hugs*

yay, Torchwood Tower! :D

*looks up "skint", then commiserates* always sucks to blow all your cash, but at least you got shinies and had fun, right? these are the things that count

here's the Guy Love clip (methinks Turk protests way too much)

happy Halloween! *hugs you* i'm doing well. passed out candy, went to work as a witch and made many customers smile with a truly awful joke:
"What do you say to an angry witch?"

i had a kidney stone but that's gone now and the doc says some mild dietary changes should keep me from having another one. i start the scary bit of therapy tomorrow (ripping apart the traumatic event in excruciating detail while weird lights flash in my face) so nervous but eager to have it done with

otherwise, I'm fine *hugs you and gives you candy*


nomorewords October 31 2011, 15:39:28 UTC
Yep. There will be a pic!spam, once i've got my ass in gear ;p Of the city and the beads separately, probably. Found some Christmas presents, too, and went on the London Underground for the first time (there's a song about it, which is a true-but-not-very-nice one, lol)

Ah, Turk's a sweetie. That's the musical episode, right? Funny song. *pets the guys*

Terrible joke. I laughed. Hope the rest of today's good. *hugs and snuggles* and I'll be thinking of you and crossing my fingers tomorrow - you'll be okay, and if it means anything, i think you're so brave. *more hugs! and candy! lots of candy. it's one day a year. ;p*


kat_rowe October 31 2011, 15:52:00 UTC
yay for pic!spams. i'm so behind on spamming everyone. I haven't even posted my steampunk inspired necklace yet, let alone all my shiny baubles, lol

yeah, that's from the musical ep. i adore the song so much *pets the boys* there's actually an ep where Carla comments that she sometimes feels more like Turk is married to JD than to her. those two are... close ;p

i know the joke's dreadful, but it's quick and makes people grin which is all that counts. you can tell it to customers without slowing down the line at all ;)

mmmm, candy makes everything better. but i think i'll wait until tomorrow when it goes 50% off ;p I'll need it more than anyway, lol

*hugs* have a great Halloween, hon, or what's left of it, anyway :)


nomorewords October 31 2011, 21:51:22 UTC
shiiiny baubles - so it's not Christmas yet - i'd still like to see, and the steampunk one sounds great :-)

They're cute and funny, those two, but I kind of like Dr Cox a little more... I can relate to the, jumping out and immediately going off on a tangent aspects? ;p

(oh, and, if you get a spare half-an-hour, Young Dracula is back after three years off air and it is so good. Seriously. They got the Hallowe'en slot ;) Very, very slick, funny, way better CGI shininess and they've all stepped up a level in badass.)

Absolutely - swoop in and bag all the leftovers. *huggles* I'll be on the train and hoping to hope it all goes well (as well as it can). *gentle handsqueeze* you can do it, definitely.


kat_rowe November 2 2011, 14:00:25 UTC
yeah, i'll definitely post once i figure out where Spider hid my camera. i saw her playing with the little case it comes in one day a few months ago and kind of haven't seen it since. in the meantime, here's a blurry cell-phone pic of the necklace:

... )


nomorewords November 3 2011, 21:07:50 UTC
Oh, that's gorgeous. The red really stands out amongst the chain. Nice job :-)

I like House... sociopathic, or not. ;p

it's up already. Well worth 30 mins, 'specially if you're in need of a laugh. imo, it's way better than the first two seasons, and i absolutely loved those

I... haven't actually caught up on Sanctuary yet. How many eps are we in? *iz guilty* haven't really been watching much tv since Torchwood ended (YD, and flopping in front of Scrubs or Essex or TBBT of an evening, lol). i need to get back into hunting Sanctuary down .

*hugs tight* and it's great that you did it and got through it and survived, because it does sound like hell. Posted there and GOOD LUCK, so much good luck and good thoughts across the pond for you. *hugs and squeezes*


nomorewords November 3 2011, 21:08:43 UTC
doesn't look like it embedded properly *bites lj*



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