Kate!ship thinky thoughts

Nov 03, 2010 12:04

So, season 3 is underway and I personally am really enjoying it so far. Loving Will, loving Magnus, loving Kate, loving the Kate/Will, Kate/Henry, Kate/Magnus, and Magnus/Will interactions I'm seeing so far. Loving, really, most of what I'm seeing. It feels like a callback to season 1 mood-wise and generally it's just a lot of fun. And I feel like we're finally getting enough Kate for her to be a shippable character which I kind of adore since pairing people off is fun.

So I've been thinking about how I can pair off Kate and, big surprise, I once more find myself multi-shipping. I blame Damian for writing everyone this way, Amanda for initially mentioning that there's no member of the Five who wasn't hitting it with some other member of the Five at some point, and all the actors for being so gorgeous and chemistry-laden with every other character. Also not surprising is the fact that the different ship factions are already doing the "where the frack are those idiots on the other side coming from?" bit to varying degrees (I don't do that much with Kate but man, oh, man, have I with other ships). So, for no real reason other than because it's my day off and the meds i took to relax my freaking agonized back muscles have me in a tangential mood, my thoughts on each of the possible Kate!ships. Rambling under the cut:

Kate/Ravi: Fun and sweet but ultimately probably doomed by distance and cultural differences which is a shame because they were cute together. I love how Ravi spends a lot of Kali Part 3 hovering in the background trying not to look awkward and resentful of Will and Kate's obvious closeness. And his angry "Never do that again!" when he discovered Kate had survived the first tidal wave was precious.

Kate/Will: This seems popular but (despite certain fic and RP and the fact that I've been known to RP their son) I honestly don't see this one. Not in the regular verse anyway. Don't get me wrong. I love watching them work together and their squabbling and snipping at each other is one of the cutest things I've seen on TV in awhile. They play cops and robbers just gorgeously (gee, loaded statement much?) but, the more I see them interact, the more my mind tries to interpret that fun, playful dynamic as a brother/sister thing. Lots of "stop messing with that pen!", "you're annoying. and weird", "no you can't play with me and my friends", "Mom, I wanna go this time!", etc. Since that style of romance goes out after grade-school, I see the dynamic as more sibling-like than likely to blossom into a lasting romance.

I know, I know, it happened in the Pavor!verse. I just have trouble calling a ship canon when it occurred after a zombie apocalypse had literally robbed both parties of every other possibility. My view: Kate paired off with Magnus early in the zombie apocalypse (there will be fanfic; it will be smutty), eventually grew in self-confidence as a result of that, formed a stable and steady relationship with Henry (girls dig guys who make toys), and eventually (after the deaths of Henry, Kate's family, Magnus, Druitt, and 98% of the rest of the population), her and Will turned to each other out of desperation.I think it was beautiful, sweet (and sad) and probably very good for both of them, but I don't see it having happened in the regular universe (with one caveat involving lots of awkward giggling and then NEVER letting each other live down the night of the first date).

Kate/Henry: These two may be largely behind why I can't see Kate and Will together but they make a LOT of sense to me. Rocky start, granted (she beat him up after using her sex appeal to get him close enough), but ever since there seems to be a quiet understanding between them. In Veritas, Will sends her to retrieve Henry and, despite how badly the shit is in the process of hitting the fan, she stops and comforts him. Later, in the Article Nine discussion scene with Will and Henry, before she leaves, she stops to squeeze Henry's shoulder. In Fragments, she tries to show similar sympathy to Henry even though he's not in the mood to accept it at that point. This season, her habit of not calling people by their names has finally expanded to include "Hank" ... me, I tend to find it telling that she didn't do that with him from the outset.

Plus he routinely designs and builds the kinds of toys that a girl like her would love. (And there I go again with the loaded statements...)

Magnus/Kate: This one gets points from me for the sheer hawt. Shallow but true. The mental images alone (Magnus' pale, milky skin and Kate's dusky skin) leave me needing a cold shower...

But, on a much more serious note, I've spent a lot of time in Pavor!Will's head and he told me a secret a loooong time ago (one of many, but this one's actually pertinent to this ramble). Pavor!Kate has always reminded him of Magnus. She's a fighter, a killer when she has to be, a friend and protector always, a brave and powerful leader, a smart woman, and God help any idiot who screws with those she loves. Opposites may attract, but like types have been known to as well. They're both smart, feisty, protective, deadly, in possession of sick senses of humor, lonely, alienated but still capable of profound love, etc etc etc

Kate will never be Magnus (definitely not in the regular timeline anyway), but she could come damned close and increased exposure to Magnus would hasten her evolution (already has, really).

As a ship, Magnus/Kate appeals to me on the level that Watson/Will does. Wise, experienced tribal Elder sees the raw potential in a younger member of the group, seeks to cultivate it, and eventually blurs the line between mentor and erastes. (I'd say that Magnus/Will is on this level for me but it's really not any more since Will is far more equal to Magnus these days so I don't think that holds up any more. But that's a separate discussion.) The important thing in a ship like this is that there's not enough awe and/or history there to make the younger, less experienced party exploitable. Kate's not a girl to let herself be exploited which means her and Magnus would work together without setting off the squick alarms that Magnus/Henry or season 1 Magnus/Will always did for me.

This season has really only increased the sense that they could work for me. There's been a lot of teasing and banter and, if it's remotely maternal from Magnus' side, than maybe certain shippers who will not be named in polite company had a point...

Kate/Druitt: Wrong, imo, but I tend to think that Druitt with anyone but a member of the Five is weird (and not in a good way). Plus anyone who read Memento Mori knows I see their relationship (if they ever develop one) in different terms altogether.

Kate/Tesla: Well, it'd never be boring. Tesla does seem to automatically respect anyone who's willing to call him names and give him shit. Still, not digging this idea. Although I wouldn't mind Kate stringing him along just long enough to get him securely tied up in retaliation for Sleepers and then just leave him there. Especially as Jonathon Young has stated a desire to be tied up in more of Tesla's scenes...

Kate/Biggie: "I mate every five years."/"With who?!?!" ... 'nuff said. Not really seeing this one but your mileage may vary. I suppose anything's possible and something tells me Kate may not restrict herself too much based on species.

Which brings me to:

Kate/Sally: Which would be hot but I'm still going to have to ship Sally with Magnus and/or Magnus and her current lover(s). That psychic ability to project images and emotions probably comes in handy when your lover's an air-breather and you aren't *fans self*

Kate/Declan: He strikes me as a ladies man but in a benign way. I could see it although I imagine it'd be pretty peril-fraught with their diametrically opposed approaches to life in general. Kate could use an old-school gentleman and Declan strikes me as one of those in his way.

Which brings me to possibly the crackiest one on this list:

Kate/Watson: Yes, lol. You read that right. I refuse to accept he's dead and AUs happen so I've given this consideration. It's even possible I've threaded it in the past because (a) I'm sick like that and (b) there are times when my Watson will nail pretty much anything with enough brain cells to give consent. If nothing else, Kate probably has daddy-issues that Watson could help her sort (in a very dysfunctional way).

Kate/anyone: She's hot, she's competent, she's savvy, but one gets the impression that she's never had a stable or truly loving relationship. I will give a chance to anyone who might be able to give her that.

Kate/everyone: Don't look at me like that. This fandom spawns OT3s like Nubbins spawn other Nubbins (and awkward silences). Kate/Magnus/anyone and Pavor!Kate/Pavor!Will/Pavor!Magnus or Pavor!Kate/Pavor!Will/various-exes-and-new-recruits-that-Pavor!Will-pretends-not-to-know-about are my favorites (although my TRUE OT3s in this fandom remain Magnus/Will/Watson and Victorian Magnus/Druitt/Watson)

Okay, so there are my thoughts on various possible ships for Miss Freelander

So, flist, where do you stand?
Poll Kate!ships

Discussions in the comment section are good but no flames, please. I try to save my fire extinguisher for out-of-control Nubbins ;p

declan macrae, will zimmerman, helen magnus, sanctuary, kate freelander, nikola tesla, rabid fangirl, henry foss, james watson, john druitt

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