"Hey, baby, want to kill all humans?" (update & ComicCon protest pic!spam)

Jul 26, 2010 00:13

First a brief update. Helen and the girls are in town and I should get the last furniture moved into the new place tonight, weather allowing. I dearly hope so, at least because I'm officially no longer comfortable in the old place overnight. Noisy domestic incident last night was noisy and ended up spanning two floors of the building before the cops arrived. This morning, domestic!shouty!dude who was hauled away last night and spent some time in the hospital (IV marks, needle marks, and admission bracelet) was sleeping in the hall not ten feet from my front door. Once I made sure he was not in fact dead, I got the eff out of there. I thought that building was bad when the only drunk idiots were college students; I was wrong. Timely escape is timely. Granted, I'm sore, exhausted, and grumpy today, but whatever. It won't be long now. Pictures eventually.

In the meantime, have some pics of the ComicCon counter-protests, proving once again that the Geek shall inherit the Earth. I bear no responsibility for the contents of these "hateful" signs and do not necessarily agree with them (okay, so Bender's "Kill all Humans" sign offers a valid perspective on solving issues of pollution, global warming, and over-crowding but we won't go there). All pictures ganked from Comics Alliance and/or the Gawker blog. I wasn't there and only wish I was as awesome and geeky as these men and women (yes *gasp*, women).

Group shot! Can't you just feel the love and solidarity?

Anyone else think those cops in the background look like they're wondering what they did (or who they annoyed) to score this detail? ;p Very much reminds me of helping organize Fort Wayne's first Pagan Pride Day. The cops looked like they weren't sure whether to be amused, scornful, or nervous around us *pets them*

As if there was ever any doubt on either of those topics. I am feeling distinctly squeeful over this already :D

More Futurama love, Win! In one of the comments on one of the news story, a commenter suggested that there should have been people with brain slugs joining the Westies :D Have I mentioned that I wish I were half the geek of the men and women coming up with these ideas? (Also, was I the only one bummed that the Space Pope didn't put in an appearance?)

Your mileage may vary...

Great, now I want an "Actual Size!" t-shirt. And look behind the Odin sign. Could that be Buddy!Jesus back there?

Why yes, yes it is!!! *flails and high fives Buddy!Jesus*

I knew that the cake was a lie!

Guess I should have known that God hates kittens. That would explain why He kills one every time I-- I mean, every time people in general masturbate. Yeah, people in general. Totally what I meant there *nodnod*

Oh, speaking of kittens, I suddenly have this weird urge to do a Sanctuary "ep" with lolcat pictures because I keep finding ones that remind me of Will :D Observe:


See what I mean? ;p

Okay, off to get a little more work done here, then heading to the farm to see the family *bounces and squees more* I have such a butt-load of LJ notifications to catch up on and will try to do so in the next few days here. I hope everyone's doing well

pic!spam, kat is a geek, got crack?, family, update, moving

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