Moving during a heat-wave

Jul 23, 2010 16:57

is slow and difficult going. It now looks like we won't be done until Saturday night or Sunday although we did get a great many boxes moved today and I'll be able to get a lot of things unpacked/organized/cleaned tomorrow. The trick will be not spending any great amount of time outside. The heat index at this moment is 110 degrees F (43.3 degrees C) and it's supposed to be worse tomorrow.

For the record, my brother-in-law is a saint helping me move in this pea-soup weather. I know I was hurting just shifting boxes to the front of the truck and he was actually shelping them inside (the neighbor seemed in awe of him after watching him doing it; nice lady, mother of a jack russel who needs to prove she's a bigger dog than she appears, lol... another neighbor has a rotti/lab mix who's a total sweetheart). It probably says something about the weather that their Intern couldn't be paid to help with the move (and you all know how hard up college students are for cash). So all love and props to the brother-in-law.

Doing any actual moving tonight will be impossible since Brad Paisley (country singer, I'm told) has a concert in the area and, by 3:00pm, Sheriff's deputies were already setting up to direct traffic. I am SO glad I didn't cancel my internet service at the old apt right away :D

Billy has reinforced the belief that he is destined for barn cat-dom by escaping from my sister's house along with his mum (screens? those only stop pansies!!!). Little Jamie (or whatever her name becomes) remained inside where it's safe (clever girl) and now meows pitifully whenever there isn't a human or cat in sight. She's an utter terror but will make a wonderful pet for Betty and I, especially once we start to domesticate her with food and... other things

(relax, I know she's still too young for catnip)

Pics soon, probably :) I'm taking a break from cleaning now since I'm ungodly hot and sore. You know when you're hammering in a nail and you miss the nail and whack your thumb? That's about how my wrists, back, and knee feel right now. I am typing this literally with two fingers. So, yeah, break now.

In further news, Helen and the girls are apparently on their way (the doctor cleared her to travel; so the clot thing was scarier than it actually was, lol). Here's hoping they get here on Sunday when the high is supposed to be 79 F (26 C). Radio silence on that front, unsurprisingly; they could be in the States as early as tonight, but that'd be Dover AFB and they'd still have to drive out here so tomorrow morning at the earliest unless Helen bends time on us (she's been known to in the past). I was hoping to have more than a houseful of boxes but I'll just be happy to see them; we can take over Heather's, lol. She's used to that. Bet she never realized when she got the farm that she was letting herself in for regular family/friend invasions :D

Don't mind me. I'm high on endorphins and assorted anticipatory family/kidlet hormones. I'd better get back to work now *hugs everyone* Hope you're all doing well. I'm behind on LJ notifications yet again and may be for awhile between family and unpacking. PM or email me if you need to get in touch sooner. Peace out for now *more hugs*

pets, family, update, moving

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