prayers please

Jul 17, 2010 17:39

So, everyone, my sister Helen's in the hospital (in a strange country with her husband in a different strange country) after developing pain and a lump in her leg that turned out to be a fairly nasty blood clot (yay, family history of circulatory problems) that had to be removed immediately. She's out of surgery now and fine except being sore but we would sure appreciate all the thoughts and prayers you guys can spare.

I'm kind of kicking myself right now for not having a passport yet. It just never seemed like a high priority and now, when all I want to do is jump on a plane despite how I feel about flying, I am thoroughly grounded on the wrong damned side of the ocean. She's going to be okay but, man, is that the kind of shock you don't expect to receive. She's active and not even 35 yet. How did she get a bad clot in the first place?

Ah, well. I'm at the farm now (Heather's in PA with her husband and sister-in-law) but will be home again tonight to pack some more. Or maybe tonight I'll just eat comfort food as I try to decide if 81mg of aspirin a day is really enough...

family, update, sucky rl is sucky

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