Apr 04, 2012 20:51
Black Wings
by Christina Henry
Madeline Black book 1
I read this book in half a day which I think is actually faster than most of the young adult novels I read. My husband picked it up at the library and between that fact and and the cover art I was totally expecting paramortal romance. I was pleasantly surprised when this book contained no sex at all. I found the plot to be interesting enough to draw me in and kept finding myself guessing at characters only to be proven wrong later. Its rare for a book to keep me guessing like this and I think I need to seek out further books in the series. I wonder a little how much of the backstory is Henry's and how much is standard fare knowledge that I should know if I read more books about angels and fallen angels. Not my usual supernatural characters to say the least. Over all though very pleasantly surprised and definitely recommend.
50 book challenge