SPN 2.16 & 2.17

Apr 01, 2007 14:45

SPN 2.16 Roadkill

I am so tarnished by Wincest that I can’t even watch a simple exchange of “Our lives are weird, man.” “You’re telling me.” without tagging “which is why it makes perfect sense for you to mack on each other” in the end. *hangs head in shame*

House of the Rising Sun??? Seriously, there’s anawesome spn fic by Ellipsis Black about that legend that you should go and read: El Sol Naciente

Hello Tricia Helfer. Once you’re in sci-fi/cult genre, you cannot escape it.

Also, the couple is too happy to survive. It’s the SPN rule, every glimpse of happiness must be immediate followed by a big scary monster. Or something.

Uhm, why am I watching this in the dark again?

Omg, creepy old house with knives and blood stains! Stay the fuck away woman! Why don’t these people ever do the reasonable thing?

On the other hand, if I get threatened by a living corpse and flee in panic to the highway, I sure as hell hope that the next car along is a black 1967 Impala.

Hee, Dean and Sam are having whole conversations with looks and head tilts. (In my mind Dean is saying “let her stay, if it was you missing, I wouldn’t leave either”)

Omg, it’s Molly and David who are dead, isn’t it?

Ahahaa, Sam is comparing him and Dean to an arguing married couple. Just like Bobby. *glee*

House of the Rising Sun actually has meaning to the plot? Also: it’s canon now that Sam occasionally uses his telekinesis to fuck with Dean’s music. Ha!

I kind of preferred Dean’s version “We weren’t just cruising for chicks, sister.” to Sam’s sincere-voice.

Dean’s being pretty snappy with Molly though, wonder why? Not too happy to have a civilian tagging along?

Oh for God’s sake! Why does Molly just hare off on her own with out telling Sam? And I can’t buy Sam not noticing her leave either.

Sam gives his “even evil spirits were once good people” speech, while Dean resorts to his patented door kick. Only it doesn’t work the first time, which he looks mightily annoyed about *giggles*

Dean’s put-upon face about having to hold up the corpse is seriously funny. But he can’t resist Sam’s puppy-dog eyes.

You know when Molly says “The only thing I’m scared of is losing David.” and Dean and Sam very carefully do not look each other. It’s because they know exactly what she’s talking about… Oh Boys.

Argh, what’s happened to David?

The frosting window is seriously creepy…
Get away from the window Molly!

Okay so they keep mentioning the importance of sunrise and then there’s the song… *ponders*

Oh Sam, “a walking encyclopaedia of weirdness”

Dude, this is one powerful spirit. Dean gets thrown to the wall again, but it’s such a good look on him that I can’t find it in myself to complain.

Omg, Molly is dead! I KNEW IT! *high-fives self*

Haley-Joel! Ahahahaaaa, 6th Sense shout-out totally.

Verdict: I liked. Tricia was good, although I doubt the big reveal came as a surprise to too many viewers. In general the episode felt very muted and low-key, which I guess fitted the theme. It was nice to see a more traditional “monster of the week” episode amidst all this angst, but it didn't really rock my world in any way.

Because I am greedy I went straight into the next episodem, which in retrospect I shouldn't have. 2 am is really too late for that much emotional trauma and gaping plot holes.

SPN 2.17 Heart

Oh my we’re going to California? I senses family issues and angst…

Wtf lady, you see some guy who clearly creeps you out and then decide to walk home on your own through deserted streets?

Afjkafhajkladsfjlkdas JANET! I mean TERYL! It’s true, once you appear in a scifi/cult tv programme YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE GENRE!


Also: Dean cleaning his guns. GUH. Sam straddling the chair: GUH.

Dean’s utter glee about werewolves is stupidly cute. Sam also seems to think so… “Sparky” Ha!

Girl: “He got a few scotches and he’d start hitting on anyone in five mile radius, you know the type.”
Dean: *chortles*
Sam (glances at Dean): “Yeah, I do actually.”

Okay: this is my guess now: Kurt is not the werewolf, Madison is. No wait, it’s the creepy neighbour.

“Maybe there’s some human hearts behind the heagen-daaz or something."

Sam: “Why do you always get to hang out with the girls?”
Dean: “’Cos I’m older.”

Rock-scissors-paper??? Oh my god, they’re such boys.

But this is not good for Sam because I’m guessing it’s Madison or the neighbour who’s going to change… *bites nails*

Ahahahaaaa, oh Sam, you can’t even check out her ass subtly. Also this wolf-bitch is a total tease, but it is pretty funny watching Sam get all twitchy when confronted with her unmentionables.

Oh god, they’re bonding over soaps. That’s cute but the scene feels a bit forced. Also, Sam is totally the type that judges people by their book shelf. However, despite my personal feelings about Madison and her suitability for Sam, watching him be all shy and flirty is possibly the cutest thing ever.

She totally is the wolf! Mugged=bitten

I do feel sorry for Sam though, all the girls he gets on with either get killed or kidnapped by demons or turn out to be werewolves.

Dean is embracing the cliché and leering at the stripper. That I found a bit boring. And out of character (they’re in the middle of case, I don’t think Dean would be quite so distracted). Although his rent boy pose against the gritty wall is pretty.

And dude, I totally called the identity of the werewolf. Either the plots are getting more transparent or I’ve suddenly developed psychic skills myself… somehow I think it’s the former.

Also I was right about the creepy neighbour guy being a wolfie too. My theory goes: he’s a religious nutjob who saw it as his god-given duty to kill the prostitutes but he bit Madison to get himself a mate.

OMG SAM ARE YOU STUPID?? Turning your back on a werewolf? Not tying her up properly when she was still just a human? *smacks Sam on the head*

Dean’s third wheel act is sort of cute. I can’t decide whether his little glances are pride at Sam’s way with the ladies or jealousy of his interest in someone else.

OMG SAM’S GETTING LAID!!! uhm. Go Sammy? It’s about time he got some.

Also, how hot is Jared? All tall and smooth and with the kissing and dfjak;jkdsjkflaadsfjkdsjlk huge hands GUH

Oh shit! She can control the change! But wait, are we to assume that they spent an entire day making tender love in the soft light of the fire? Because it was sunrise when Dean left and not it’s middle of the night again. so, uhm. Go Sammy? Again? And again and again and…

Sam: “So what, me you won’t kill but her you’re just going to blow away?”

Well, d’uh.

And then the ending happened.

And I sort of died a bit. Mainly from the comparison anvil of Madison=Sam and Sam=Dean and therefore must kill Madison because he can’t ask Dean do what he can’t do himself.

But then Sam was crying, and asking Dean to be there for him. And then Dean was crying. And then I was crying and it was emo all around.

*blows nose*

Verdict: Some good points: Dean being excited by werewolves, the rock-paper-scissors competition, Sam getting laid, the emotional porn at the end. However, I was not impressed by the werewolf-sized plot holes: Seriously WTF writers? Okay so Madison was the werewolf. Predictable. It also turns out that werewolves don’t remember what they do or even realise what they are, yet follow their primal urges killing potential threats or, in case of the prostitutes, people they think of as prey/evil. Potentially interesting but the moral consequences of that were underutilised. And, incredulously, it turns out that in order to change, the person needs to be asleep or unconscious??? Uhm. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t it then be a simple case of keeping them awake during the nights of full moon???? So really, there was no need to kill Madison (which they presumably did because there was no guarantee that any prison would hold her, even though I’m sure it would if you bothered to think beyond the thin ropes Sam used *smacks the boys*). All they would have needed to do was make sure she didn’t fall asleep for three nights a month. *boggles* But of course that wouldn’t lead to such prime Sam angst as this did. The comparison anvil was rather heavy but at least it wasn’t explained in words (which would have been painful and cringe-worthy).

Still, and here's the meta, when the push came to shove and the shoe was the other foot, Sam stepped up to the plate. He did, and no one can say otherwise. The change from a broken-hearted guy who wants nothing but let his big brother take care of the bad things to a hunter who's going to get the job done was fucking chilling. And Dean. Living not Sam killing Madison, but himself killing Sam, and it was heart-rending.

I'm off to cry into my pillow now.


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