Kat's Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 2

Mar 28, 2007 18:17

Vid: Whatever
Vidder: Luminosity aka
sockkpuppett and
Fandom: Angel the Series
Genre/pairing:  Crack, Angel/various
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: Is there anyone out there who hasn’t seen this video yet? When I saw it the first time I laughed so hard I cried. For real people: tears rolling down my cheeks, great big hitching gasps of breath, stomach cramps, legs crossed in desperation, the works. Second, third, fourth, etc. viewings did not improve the situation. Anyway, there’s a reason fans of Angel called it That Dead Gay Show, and this is it. *flails* There’s like symbolism in this here: trains! fire hydrants! geysers! paddles! Wait… that last one is less symbolic and more “‘m gonna smack your ass bitch”, isn’t it? Anyway. Watch the video!!
Download link and info: The vid has spread like wildfire, but you can find it easily from Luminosity's website. About 2/3 down the page.

Vid: One Week
Vidder: Di aka
Fandom: House M.D.
Genre/pairing:  Humour, House&Wilson friendship
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: Okay, so One Week by the Barenaked Ladies is probably one of the most overused songs in fanvids. I don’t care. And neither should you. The song is infectious and perfect for House and Wilson. Despite my fascination with the dysfunctional, sharp, broken edges of their friendship/relationship, there is this mischievous, boyish, prank-playing side to them that is absolutely charming. I’m a big fan of the literal interpretation of lyrics in vids, and the clips chosen for this one are nothing sort of brilliant. This is one of my guaranteed feel-good videos that never fails to put a smile on face.
Download link and info: From the original LJ post here.

Vid: Bohemian Like You
Vidder: P.R. Zed
Fandom: Multi-fandom (Starsky & Hutch, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Due South, The Professionals)
Genre/pairing: Humour (meta), the main m/m pairings from the above shows
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: You know what I said about the overused songs. I’m not sure if Dandy Warhols realised how eagerly their song was seized upon by slashers of all varieties, but when something fits, it fits… The humour in this is almost meta (hence my classification), in that the it compares the similarities between the four shows in terms of characters, relationships and the driving forces behind them. Or maybe it’s just a cleverly compiled collection of matching clips and I’m reading too much into things *shrugs* Whether you want to compare and contrast the subtext in buddy-shows across the ages or just enjoy the pretty men acting silly, this is a video to leave you grinning.
Download link and info: From Zed's website, which is password protected. Just e-mail the vidder according to the instructions on the page and you'll get it quickly.

Vid: Stargate Cantina
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Genre/pairing: Crack (AU?)
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: Uhm. So, like the video claims: Stargate is nothing like Star Wars. Except, you know, it kinda is… This is a truly inspired piece of first-grade Crack (with a capital C). I’m not sure how funny this is without knowledge of Stargate and Star Wars canons but armed as I am with both, the video had me in stitches. Jack as Han, Daniel as Luke, Sam as Leia, and poor Teal’c as Chewie… The clip choices are eerily appropriate and of course the song is cracky on its own right. Loads of fun.
Download link and info: From The Alphasite here (there's a d/l link at the bottom)

Vid: You’re My Baby
Vidder: Fabella aka
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Genre/pairing:  Humour/fluff, Jared/Jensen
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: If you find yourself blinking at the “fandom”, you’re not alone. But in this day of media exposure, DVD extras, and red carpet humping (wait, that’s just Jared and Jensen, isn’t it. more’s the shame.) it’s entirely possibly to make a RPS fanvid. It is, however, extremely difficult to make a good RPS fanvid. Fabella spins her magic all over the available material and comes up with a ridiculously cute video about two actor boys in luuurve. You may want to schedule a dental check-up after seeing the vid, but oh it’s so worth it. Sweet and funny and unashamedly schmoopy.
Download link and info: From the vidder's original LJ post here.


Miss an edition? Don't worry, here's a link:
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 1 (weepy angst)

Next edition: Angst, angst, and more angst.

due south, themed vid recs of doom, angel the series, fanvid rec, stargate atlantis, house m.d., man from u.n.c.l.e., the professionals, starsky & hutch, jsquared

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