
Dec 06, 2015 17:59


Hyvää ja rauhallista itsenäisyyspäivää, Suomi
Happy and peaceful Independence Day, Finland

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Veteraanin iltahuuto
(lyrics and composition © Kalervo Hämäläinen)

Rannalle himmeän lahden aurinko laskenut on.
Kutsu jo soi iltahuudon, taakka jo laskettu on.
Taattoa muista sa silloin, askel jo uupunut on.
Lapset ja lastemme lapset, teidän nyt vuoronne on.

Hoivatkaa, kohta poissa on veljet, muistakaa: Heille kallis ol' maa.
Kertokaa lastenlapsille lauluin: Himmetä ei muistot koskaan saa!

Hymni soi holvissa hiljaa, tummana kaipuuta soi.
Aika on korjannut viljaa, sarka jo kynnetty on.
Ammoin me marssimme kahden, tulta löi taivas ja maa.
Rannoilta Äänisen lahden kelle nyt kertoa saa?

Hoivatkaa, kohta poissa on veljet, muistakaa: Heille kallis ol' maa.
Kertokaa lastenlapsille lauluin: Himmetä ei muistot koskaan saa!

Laineissa Laatokan mahti, kahlita kenkään ei voi.
Veljet sen rantoja vahti, konsa on koittava koi?
Ylväänä Karjalan heimo tuskansa kantanut on.
Maaäiti suojaansa sulkee, vartija poissa jo on.

Hoivatkaa, kohta poissa on veljet, muistakaa: Heille kallis ol' maa.
Kertokaa lastenlapsille lauluin: Himmetä ei muistot koskaan saa!

Veteran's Evening Call
(translation © Kat Soini)

The sun has set on the shores of a dusky bay
The evening call bids to here one's burdens lay
Remember your elders, steps grown tired and slow
Our children and children's children, now it's your time to go

Take care, soon part our brothers, remember: For them dear was the price that was paid
Tell your grandchildren in songs and stories: These memories must never fade!

The vaults echo with a quiet hymn, full of ache and sorrow
Time has gathered its harvest, empty now stands each furrow
Once we marched together, the earth was in fire and the sky
From the sands of Onega bay, to whom of this can I cry?

Take care, soon part our brothers, remember: For them dear was the price that was paid
Tell your grandchildren in songs and stories: These memories must never fade!

The waves of Ladoga's might, shackles all broken and gone
Brothers kept watch on the shores, waiting for sovereign morn
Karelia's kin has carried its pain with honour and pride
Sheltered in earth's embrace, now rests guard and guide

Take care, soon part our brothers, remember: For them dear was the price that was paid
Tell your grandchildren in songs and stories: These memories must never fade!


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