The Professionals Ficlet: Love Unchained

Sep 20, 2015 17:38


Title: Love Unchained
Author: Mistress Kat /  kat_lair
Fandom: The Professionals
Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Genre: Prison!AU
Warnings: Crack & deliberate purple pros(e) *g*
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 501
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.

Summary: If Doyle wasn’t a broken man yet, he wasn’t far off.

Author notes: Written as part of the broadstairsbacc writing exercise ( Read more... )

my fanfiction, the professionals

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Comments 16

pushkin666 September 20 2015, 16:44:03 UTC
Still as amazingly purple as it was the first time around.

However, you know what I'm going to say - "What happens next?"


kat_lair September 20 2015, 17:28:12 UTC
Purple is my favourite colour :D It was fun to just go completely over the top with this and embellish to my heart's content.

Next... Well, Bodie is obviously strangely drawn to this small wild creature with sparkling green eyes like an enchanted forest, calling to something deep inside him... And he's going to protect him against his best judgement.


pushkin666 September 20 2015, 17:34:17 UTC
Ahahaha. That's the funniest description of Doyle I've read in a long time. Well hopefully they'll be some turgid manhooding as well :)


kat_lair September 21 2015, 08:01:28 UTC
Well from what I've seen of Pros fic, there is a tendency to describe Doyle as 'fey-like' at times :D


moth2fic September 21 2015, 05:46:02 UTC
Or even Pros-hood. There's a fic (Waiting to fall, by Rob) which probably does most of the writing for you and doesn't have the same purple effect though it is far too long. I want to pimp this to the whole Pros comm - though when we put the collection on AO3 you can put the fandom tag in and it will go to the feeds. Amazing what 20 minutes can produce!!


kat_lair September 21 2015, 07:56:29 UTC
Pros-hood makes me think of Robin Hood for some reason and now I'm just disturbed :D

I have a feeling I may have glanced at the fic at some point but in general prison fic isn't a favourite genre so probably gave it a pass because of that.

I did pimp this at the the_safehouse and - as it happens! - I also created a parent collection of Broadstairs Bacchanalia on AO3 last night, with subcollections for 2014 and 2015. So you can go and retrospectively add last year's fics :D


moth2fic September 21 2015, 16:10:27 UTC
Good news about the collections! On my to-do list, which is currently stalled because I am still ill with whatever I brought home or picked up on the train.

I wonder how the_safehouse will react to your fic! A newcomer/unknown writing purple pros(e) about their sacred duo... but some people will find it hilarious and it certainly deserved wider distribution!

The Rob fic is a fandom classic but nobody really adores it because it is a marathon - the first half, with the prison/rescue/hurt/comfort is really good and then the second half kind of deteriorates with plot holes etc.


kat_lair September 21 2015, 17:52:05 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that whatever you got is persistent... Does it mean that we're a real con now that we clearly have con-crunk going?

Well, the_safehouse seems oddly reluctant to come and comment on it on my journal! The comments I've gotten are all on the comm announcement which is very strange - part of that fandom culture?


margaret_r September 22 2015, 01:47:58 UTC
Perfectly purple, perfectly Pros and totally brilliant*g* Love it!


kat_lair September 22 2015, 19:54:16 UTC
Thank you very much! It was a lot of fun to write, and to hear everyone's purple masterpieces of course :D


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