The Professionals Ficlet: Love Unchained

Sep 20, 2015 17:38


Title: Love Unchained
Author: Mistress Kat /  kat_lair
Fandom: The Professionals
Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Genre: Prison!AU
Warnings: Crack & deliberate purple pros(e) *g*
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 501
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.

Summary: If Doyle wasn’t a broken man yet, he wasn’t far off.

Author notes: Written as part of the broadstairsbacc writing exercise ( Read more... )

my fanfiction, the professionals

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moth2fic September 21 2015, 05:46:02 UTC
Or even Pros-hood. There's a fic (Waiting to fall, by Rob) which probably does most of the writing for you and doesn't have the same purple effect though it is far too long. I want to pimp this to the whole Pros comm - though when we put the collection on AO3 you can put the fandom tag in and it will go to the feeds. Amazing what 20 minutes can produce!!


kat_lair September 21 2015, 07:56:29 UTC
Pros-hood makes me think of Robin Hood for some reason and now I'm just disturbed :D

I have a feeling I may have glanced at the fic at some point but in general prison fic isn't a favourite genre so probably gave it a pass because of that.

I did pimp this at the the_safehouse and - as it happens! - I also created a parent collection of Broadstairs Bacchanalia on AO3 last night, with subcollections for 2014 and 2015. So you can go and retrospectively add last year's fics :D


moth2fic September 21 2015, 16:10:27 UTC
Good news about the collections! On my to-do list, which is currently stalled because I am still ill with whatever I brought home or picked up on the train.

I wonder how the_safehouse will react to your fic! A newcomer/unknown writing purple pros(e) about their sacred duo... but some people will find it hilarious and it certainly deserved wider distribution!

The Rob fic is a fandom classic but nobody really adores it because it is a marathon - the first half, with the prison/rescue/hurt/comfort is really good and then the second half kind of deteriorates with plot holes etc.


kat_lair September 21 2015, 17:52:05 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that whatever you got is persistent... Does it mean that we're a real con now that we clearly have con-crunk going?

Well, the_safehouse seems oddly reluctant to come and comment on it on my journal! The comments I've gotten are all on the comm announcement which is very strange - part of that fandom culture?


moth2fic September 21 2015, 17:55:55 UTC
Yes, we have con lurgi so we are a proper con.

Still having to scroll across to reach my icon selection.

Pros is a very 'strange' fandom. I think that might be true of all the closed Brit fandoms that have been around since forever. Maybe 'strange' is the wrong word - abnormal? But that's not right, either. Just - not mainstream...


kat_lair September 21 2015, 21:02:53 UTC
This is like evolution in isolated areas, it goes in some curious directions...


moth2fic September 21 2015, 21:12:28 UTC
Isolated indeed - but not as much so as our landlady's reading group - have you seen Zellieh's post? I told her to put it here but she hasn't yet - she must!! (On DW...)


kat_lair September 21 2015, 21:17:07 UTC
About the reading group inventing fanfic? Yes, she posted it on LJ&DW both so I saw that and laughed with glee and delight! so awesome!


moth2fic September 21 2015, 21:54:47 UTC
Isolated south coast reading group reinvents fanfic all on its own!!


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