Recommending Some Fic

May 13, 2012 15:32

One of my good friends is a write and she doesn't get near enough credit for the wonderful things she has written. So I'm here to recommend a few of her fics that I really enjoy. I hope you will give them a bit of a chance and leave her a comment letting her know what you think.

Personal Assistant
Complete 10/10
Rating: NC-17
First an auto accident, then a lawsuit. HanGeng keeps thinking things can't get much worse... right?

This is one of my favorite fics of hers. I have a soft spot for HanChul anyway, and Heechul is all sorts of feisty here. There are a couple of very steamy smut scenes that I just love. A good read and lucky that you all can read it once it is done instead of while it is being posted!

Personal Assistant Chapter One

In Progress 9/10
Rating: NC -17
As SHINee expands into Japan and other parts of Asia, TaeMin realizes through some first-hand experience that not all the rumors are just rumors. He comes to the conclusion that the best way to counteract bad memories is with good ones.

I love this fic despite it's dark undertones. Unforgettably it wouldn't take much of a stretch for this fiction to be a true story. It talks about some of the darker sides to the industry and how they might be dealt with. It is a truly moving story that made me cry on more than one occasion. This is also one where I guest wrote about a chapter and a half for her, so if you want to see something I have written recently you can hop over there. Please be certain to heed the warnings.

Invictus - Prologue

She has many more that I love, and several of my favorites are haven't been posted for public consumption yet. A lot of great stuff is on it's way! You can browse through her stuff on her masterlist and find some for yourself.

I was thinking of starting to do some rec posts since I love shareing great stuff both old and new that I have read. If that is something that you would find enjoyable, let me know and I'll see about doing them semi-regualary.

I'm working on a few things for you all, so with any luck they will be done in the near future and ready for you all to read!

recs, writing news

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