And now a word from our sponsor...

Aug 17, 2009 20:21

Screw bipartisanship. Screw it right in the ear. If LBJ waited for bipartisan support, we wouldn't have gotten the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act or Medicare. The GOP has no interest in bipartisanship. When did George W. Bush ever try and hold back and give concessions to the Democrats on those horrid tax cuts in 2001, or in amending the USAPATRIOT Act?

No, just fuck the GOP. They want to hold us back in the 1870s. They are not looking out for anyone except the robber barons. Fuck them, fuck their corporatist patrons who are the first to line for a government handout when times get bad. Fuck every person stupid enough to think that bipartisanship will get us anywhere. Prosecute the torturers! Get nothing less than a public option through the Congress! Invest in any energy option that would be sustainable and reduce our dependence on all oil, foreign or domestic!

Screw the GOP. We've waited on them to lurch into the here-and-now for far too long. We're now in the bottom 20 percent of the G-30 in health care, in educational outcomes, and that shit is unsustainable. That's the fast track to cultural death and decline. And the GOP is trying to steer it further and faster down that track.

Screw bipartisanship. It's the patriotic thing to do!

stupidity, republicans, frustration, politics, anger

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