Dec 15, 2008 15:27
Quick question about age | Today - 11:26am Age plays a role in my line of work. I am constantly IDing people who believe they do not need to be IDed. I get into tiffs with our patrons. They claim that they are older then me. They become offended often enough that I use my old stand by that if you look younger then me I get to ID you. This has caused a few problems, but for the most part one out of 50 are younger then me. The problem comes about my age. They sit there and try to fight with me that they are older then me. It goes so far as the need for me to pull out my ID to prove that I am older then I look.
Only one person has ever guessed my age correctly. One person out of a thousand or so people who keep trying to guess. I get hit on by those younger the 21 at times. A perfect example of not looking my age is the young man who was pleasant to talk to. We talked about video games, religion, ties, my rings, Ireland, and everything else. It was pleasant, and he was not hitting on me. Heck, I gave him my email address so we could finish our conversation on religion. We meet up for coffee, and we had a lovely conversation. I realized that he was becoming smitten with me leading me to wonder if he even knew how old I was, for they seem to lose interest in even talking about ideas when they realize my age. I mentioned IDing his friend and not him. I even went on to mentioned how I had assumed that the couple he was talking to most of the night were his parents, which is why I had not IDed him even though I should have.
He tried to guess my age but could not. I had guessed his age between 24 - 26. He is 25. When I told him mine, he seemed flabbergasted. I thought I would have to pull out my ID. But it did not seem to discourage him at all. I am not even sure if it might have increased his appeal towards me. When he asked if there was a problem with his age, I replied, "what is an age but a mere number." The number really means nothing to me. It depends on how one acts.
At this point I knew it was time to make it known that I was seeing someone.
The evening reminded me at how young people think I am, and how many males from young and old hit on me. Friday I received phone numbers from those 7 to 10 years younger then me, and Sunday I received phone numbers from those 15 to 25 years older me. No matter what the age, the males still act like males.
Age only makes a difference when it comes to maturity. Some of us live shelter lifes without really growing, while there are those like me who have lived a long life in a short time frame. It comes to the point that age difference only should matter to those involved if they want it to be. I know many who are older then me by a few decades yet are immature and simple.
What is your age limit on who you will not date?
(21 - 59.... any older and I will kill them in the bedroom)