May 23, 2005 00:29
what up strangers?! ok so i like havent updated since ive been home just lazy ok?
so yeah about the east coast just gonna sum it rill quick here. so its the first w/e of summer for me and hart, finnney and i decided to roadtrip up to Philly to see the crew nationals. this is bc we are ultra dedicated friends and went to watch dorkface row for UGA and harts friend aubrey row for RMU. and finney just rocks bc she didnt even know either of them lol. so we drove all the way to fredericksburg, VA on thursday...around 9.5 hours. that is where finney goes to school so we spent the night in her house for next year. that town is really cute. rillll old. but cute. so we went out to eat at a tex mex restaurant for dinner...our waiter was extremely special lol...and yeah. oh we also bought paddles at wally world bc we are so hardcore crew. haha. and we definitely decorated them and made them pretty and they were wonderful. so friday we got up and drove 3ish more hours so Philly for the races. watched aubreys team and they got 2nd which they needed to move on to semi-finals woohoo! that was so exciting too. then we chilled for awhile until dorks photofied by a newspaper lady. then watched dork but they got 4th when they needed at least 2nd that was sad. they did really well though. and daaaaang who knew little dork could yell like that? i sure didnt!! that girl is crazy! ha i love her so much. so yeah....then we were gonna drive back to VA bc we didnt have anywhere to stay in PA...but aubreys team hooked us up w/ one of their rooms so we got to stay there for free. room all to ourselves too! it was fantabulous. bad thing was that we had to wear the same clothes as the day before...had to result to turning the underwear inside out ya know? sick but it works. so yeah...then we got up rill early saturday to watch aubreys race. they lost that race pretty bad...ok so they got raped ....but their coach said they did really well overall which is cool. oh by the way crew is like the most awesome sport. everything about it was so cool... especially the whole nationals thing. anyways. focus. soo we were about to leave Philly bc we had no other races to watch...when i had the bright idea of - hey since we're already way the heck up in PA why dont we just hit up the rest of the east coast states? i mean might as well right? hart and finnney looked at me like i was crazy! lol. then sure enough 20 minutes later we're in the car headed north lol. so we're in jersey...when finney's talkin to her dad on the phone and realizes that since her car is leased and she cant go over a certain number of miles...that if we went up to maine we'd definitely go over it. bc she only had like 2000 somethin more miles left and we had to go up and come all the way back. so we were pretty bummed about that....then finney was like - do yall wanna go have lunch w/ my dad? and we were like sure! so finnnneys dad lives in NYC....and off we were to NYC! lol. so random but so fun! we that took about 2 hours from Philly...traffic was horrible getting onto the bridge to get out there. but yeah we drove in and it was like cool. last time i was in NYC was in 5th grade at Christmas with my familia. so different. so yeah we got finnneys dad and he bought us lunch at this cute little cafe where we sat outside and people-watched. haha. then we just hung out for a bit...before hart decided that she missed the car. lol yes she had lost it at that point. so we got back in the car...definitely sat in traffic tryin to get out of the city for 1.5 hours. wow. then we drove back to VA. passed out pretty quickly bc we were tired. then sunday we drove all the way back home. whew. lol. so that was a brief summary...if ya want the true story and gory details of what all went down..i would recommend reading harts entry from it bc she went all out for this one. oh and i took a bazillion pics as usual...which are available on my profile. lol that sounded like a commercial. anywhore.
so once i got back i spent the night w/ jessie 2 nights in a row bc her parents basically left her to florida for most of the summer and shes lonely. sore subject lol. but yeah we had a mini girly party 2 nights in a row....and we laid out for like 3 days straight at my pool. and hung out and what not. oh i went to 722 tuesday and it was really really good. i saw danqwan and deanna and linie! that was super exciting! i miss my wesley folks so much. our crew ate a lil waho afterwards which was wondrous of course. then wednesday afternoon deanna called me bc tuesday she had invited me to hang out w/ a bunch of her friends at some guys ranch or somethin. so i was like sure. and i went not expecting to know anyone bc she went to milton and yeah. well i got in the car and i knew the girl w/ her bc she was mindy wheelocks roomie from this year at UGA. and i was like hey! bc we had met a few times. then we drive way the heck out to this place..and we drive up and i saw jim burton. i was like i know jim! and deanna was like i know jim! and he came over and saw me and was like hey i know kathryn! and i was like i know deanna! lol it was really funny. then i kept lookin and i was like- hey i went to spain w/ that girl - but i dont really know her. and deanna was like what? turns out this girl named mary was there who went on the spain trip w/ us last summer but was from another high school.she and her cousin got hooked up w/ our group for some reason or another..but yeah how weird was that? lol. but yeah that place was really cool. it was like a log cabin next to a lake and horses just came right up to us. it was so cool. we grilled out and built a fire and stuff. and played with the horsies and a football. it was really fun. oh and i met a guy named john who was workin the ropes course at CAA w/ weird is that? haha. so we chatted a bit. and mary ended up knowing a bunch of blakely ppl who go to valdosta w/ her. it was all craziness how many connections i had there. so yeah....
then thursday was the luau at the mcswain mansion. it was fun..i was a surfer....ppl swam and hot tubbed and rode the slide and stuff....good times and great pictures as usual.
friday i started training for ropes course. it was a lot of fun. we got to go in the woods and do some of the actual ropes course...and bond w/ the other counselors. and oh my gosh the 4-square! lol some of these guys are soooo frickin amazing at this game! like ive never seen this before. its so insane. so fun though oh my gosh. but yeah...did that all day from 9-5. then that night hart and i watched Saw at my house....scary movie and we definitely freaked ourselves out bc we were home alone and it was dark outside. hart was sweating and her knees were swelling bc she was so scared lol. the acting definitely couldve been a lot better but hey thats ok. the ending was amazing! thats fo sho.
trained all day saturday too...then hung out w/ matt last night. we saw house of wax ....scary movie number 2 lol. it was good...i screamed out loud a few times and was super squirmy in my seat the whole time. it was pretty sick. but yeah. then we kidnapped hart and went to the playground. lol realized that there really is nothin to do around here at night. oh well. it was good times....
went to first redeemer this was good. lunch w/ hart and her familia and matt warren. that was entertaining of course. haha. then hart and i tried to work out but it was we threw a little...then we washed our cars! impressed? you should be. bc they look amazing. then my car battery died bc we left it partially cranked for too long. so hart jumped my car off bc she rocks like that. no one got electricuted either which was a plus. then we picked up bri and brought her back to my casa. then us and my madre figure watched saw bc i thought my mom would like it...turns out they made fun of us and thought it was stupid. we warned them about the bad acting but they just didnt listen! lol. oh well. the ending is so clutch. its great. ok so now im goin to bed. this entry was waaaay overdue. and hey its not even that long. yay for me.
peace out