Tinnitus in the right ear.

May 10, 2012 18:37

My right ear has been ringing nonstop since the middle of last week, due to a cold turned sinus infection turned ear infection. Reaaaally hoping it goes away when the ear infection does. Freaking out a little about possible hearing loss. Knowledge that I freak out a little at most bodily occurrences does not seem to be helping.

So, anyways. Hi, journal. Nothing interesting happening to me. Finished the semester. Internship is going on until the end of July or so. Graduating the end of August. Kind of terrified about that. Give the girl a Master's degree, shove her out into the world, see if she lands on her feet. Mostly, I'm worried about money. The YMCA job here pays skittles. It's less than every other place I've ever taught swim lessons before, and the parents and co-workers are ruder. Or, at least it seems that way to me, but a lot of it is just me being completely tired of this job. I am tired of being the swim teacher, tired of all the kids kicking me and spitting water in my face, tired of the parents convinced I don't have little Johnny's best interests in mind (because no matter what the problem it, it's always the teacher's fault), tired of everybody assuming I'm a teenager - it happens! With astonishing regularity! I'd be flattered, if it didn't always occur in conjunction with people thinking that I'm incompetent and know nothing about children! I may punch the next person who tells me I couldn't possibly understand (insert complaint about child here) because I've never been a parent! Lady (or man), I have been taking care of kids since I was literally four years old. I have been taking care of kids professionally for over fifteen years. Yes, including bathtimes and mealtimes and bedtimes. Yes, including scrapes and owies and downright medical emergencies. Yes, including the poop and puke and other bodily functions. YES, including the temper tantrums. Believe it or not, unlike many parents, I actually know exactly what I am doing.

Despite that, I am really not looking forward to sending out resumes. I don't even know if I have the energy to look for an alternative and hopefully more lucrative summer job, because even if the Y pays peanuts, it at least has very flexible hours and I need those with the internship and classes and, towards the end of summer, preparing my final paper and dissertation and presentation.

Still. Not sure if I have enough money to cover rent. My clothes are getting pretty ragged, but I can't really afford to buy any new stuff right now. And next week is the Steampunk World's Fair, and I can't back out of that because I promised I'd go months and months ago when I thought I had enough money and Sarah already reserved the hotel room and bought the tickets*. I don't know if I'll be able to buy anything. I don't know if I can pay rent. I don't know if I can pay insurance. I'm afraid to look at my bank account and find out because I think I won't be able to and I don't know what I'm going to do about that.

So, ah....yeah. That's it for me, I think, Journal. See ya.

*We are rooming with Jonah Knight. Jonah Knight. I've had a music-crush on him since I first heard his stuff, and he's hot as hell. Also married as hell, so I'm not gonna do anything other than compliment his music, but Sarah and Eric and Traci won't stop giving me flak about it, because they apparently can't believe Molly isn't asexual and I was trying to maintain that particular facade around them because they can all be huge assholes about stuff like this. So, Jonah Knight's gonna be in my hotel room. And Sarah's gonna be there too, in full Con form. I might die.
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