You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.
Cynthia--picked out as an alternative to "Hua" by my parents when we first immigrated to Canada. Was given the choice to either continue using my Chinese name when I went to school, or go native, so-to-speak. In retrospect, it's a good thing thing I opted for the anglo name on all accounts since if a non-mandarin speaking person were to attempt my Chinese name, they'd probably end up calling me a peanut. (i.e. 孙铧 --> "Hua Sun" --> "Hua Sheng" --> 花生 --> peanut)
2. AGE
Will be 23 in January, much to my annual bout of displeasure around this time of year. There's nothing exciting about gradual maturation... unless I look at it this way: "ONE YEAR CLOSER TO MENOPAUSE AND EXPERIENCING HORMONE MALFUNCTION AND SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL AGING, YESSSS."
Currently at home in Illinois, USA. Northwest suburbs, to be a little more exact. Not looking forward to the infamous midwest winters, what with the freak weather changes, but the familiarity of the area is nice. (Randomly: was pretty nomadic as a kid. China --> 2 Canadian Provinces --> USA)
Am currently a part-time administrative assistant at a private criminal defense law firm. Come Fall 2010, will probably be pulling ye olde "now you see her, now you don't" act while at law school. Seriously, I foresee my "occupation" involving academia for a good, long, potentially painful while.
No, unfortunately. Was entirely too academically focused during my adolescence, pubescence, and late teens... actually, I should probably just bump that up to include my undergraduate stint as well. Was probably considered a "late bloomer" in terms of paying attention to the finer points of social relationships as dictated by hormones, and when puberty finally caught up I found myself not really caring. I'm perfectly comfortable with my independence--used to it in fact. Though admittedly, I would like an oppurtunity to experience a relationship sometime in the near future, mostly for curiosity's sake. Having witnessed a multitude of relationships as an oft-times neutral bystander feeds into that inquiry.
Logical approach aside, I'm also a very particular person... should probably jot down that checklist of required qualities/characteristics soon. |D
1) Taller by at least 2 inches and good-looking (I hope nobody's surprised by this /wry).
2) Bilingual
3) Well-educated
4) Does not snore or smack while eating/chew with mouth open
6. KIDS?
I dislike most children. Especially infants and ill-behaved prepubescents. Crying sets my teeth on edge.
A sister who's younger by 10 years. Have always wanted an older brother though, or a fraternal twin. Behold, the fleeting flights of fancies of an eldest child.
A male betta, Mr. Edgeworth, dubbed for his lavender body and periwinkle-hued appendages, successor to Mr. Raindrop who unfortunately died two years ago. My family has always kept fish. Goldfish to be exact. Must be an Asian thing.
1. Waiting on acceptance/rejection notifications from 13 law schools I'd applied to in late October. Have already heard back from Cincinatti (got in); now only 12 more to go.
2. Trying to get back into the swing of things. Ficcing and drawing things. Lack of motivation and inspiration and simple interest hampers my efforts though. It's difficult :(
3. Watching as many quality TV shows as I can get my hands on. Just finished Bones Season 3. Have SPN Season 4 ready to go. Been keeping up with White Collar. Rewatched Avatar: The Last Airbender. Basically, am trying to make most of my year off before I dive head first back into the routine of school and academic slavery.
Asian. Shanghainese. Grew up during the Cultural Revolution. Hard-working. Culturally tradional and conservative. Very complex people who have my respect and loyalty, if not affection. (We simply don't do affection in this family, if that makes any sense.)
Not many, but not few. Oddly enough, I believe I have more friends online, or have met more via, than I have in real life. I'm thankful for everyone I've met and took the time to get to know better though, through fandom or college or whatnot. Wouldn't have met the lovely people in the Extended Family and on LJ otherwise.
You guys make my life more interesting. Seriously. ♥
No longer subscribe to the concept of "best friend," probably due to my nation-hopping childhood and becoming severely disillusioned with it after going through quite a handful of those. Besides, "best friend"-ships are entirely overrated and arbitrary.
I do hold all my close-friends very dear though, since they're the ones who I end up discussing personal issues with. I'm a pretty private person if it hasn't become obvious, both in RL and online. (Actually, a lot of the answers have been truncated or rewritten multiple times, usually after I reread them and overthink and re-evaluate and decide that no, it's not necessary for so many others to know so much about me. orz) I very much dislike depending on others, emotionally or in whatever other manner possible. There are a few people who I trust inexplicably enough to talk to though... and. Right. It's getting late, and the more I think on this question, the more incoherent and awkward my answer threatens to become.
Specific shout outs to
nittle_grasper (hard to believe it's almost been a decade! A DECADE!!) and
butterflycages (roomie for three years... and should we still be counting? Why do I feel like we should still be counting? Can I be rid of you yet? =P).
Sorry for a lot of the cop-out answers. Am practically typing with my eyes closed now. =_=
But before I pass out, here's what I finally decided to do for this holiday season: took a variation of that 12 days meme that's been floating around and--
Give me two prompts (characters/pairing, scene/situation/genre/word or phrase) to choose from, one for fic and one for art (or it could be the same prompt for both), and I'll either write at least 500 words for the request or doodle a quick sketch. Or, if you're lucky, I'll do both. Mind you, I'll only be doing 12 and it'll be on a first come, first serve basis.
Once all the requests are fulfilled, I'll post one fic/artbit a day during the twelve days leading up to Christmas.
Please refer to my
Master Fic Index for the series I'm willing to write for.
Series I can draw for include: Avatar, The Last Airbender, Reborn!, Hetalia, Soul Eater, Sengoku Basara, Gintama, and Pomoland (original).