Jun 11, 2009 13:58
Well, I have officially been on summer break for more than a week now. I'm talking about *real* summer break..no school, no work, and I'm back at home, which is now in Mira Loma, California. At least with all of my parent's moving recently I've gotten to see some places I know I wouldn't have otherwise. I do have to admit though, I am really sick of not ever seeing the sun. I haven't seen the sun for a whole week now! Not once! It has been overcast and cloudy every day since I've gotten here. One afternoon, I saw some blue sky. Once. Is this how it is outside of Arizona? Am I getting depressed from not being able to see the sky? Maybe. I definitely think I've just proven to myself that I do not want to live in Seattle, ever. I need the sun.
Outside of that, I have started exercising again, which has induced some weight loss, which I highly desire for the Mexican cruise that I am going on at the end of the month. Woo! I am really excited about it. I have my passport and everything. I got some new clothes in celebration of the trip. I am really looking forward to 7 days of surf, sand, and fun.
So far, I have done nothing much else, really. I have barely left the house.. I mostly watch movies, eat, and chat online. It's actually been really nice. Tomorrow is Zac's last day of school, so he'll hopefully be around more often to hang out with. Next year he's going to be a junior! :O Where has the time gone?
Speaking of time, I am currently wishing that the people hiring for the job that I applied for in May would hurry up and contact people and let us know if they're interested or not.. I'm really nervous about it. I at least hope they're interested enough to call me and arrange an interview. If I don't get the job for the fall semester, I still have a shot in the spring, when they'll need more people. I'm trying to psych myself up here, can you tell?
Ok, any more updates? Still dating James. He might come out for a couple of days in about a week. It'll be nice to see him.
Oh! Clare moved in and took over Maria's part of the lease for the summer, at least. We're probably only going to get to actually live with each other for about a week this summer though, seeing as how I'm in California until the week when she goes back up to Phoenix to take a summer class. She said she may come down for some weekends though, which would be cool, considering that she was really busy with her presession class before I left last week. I definitely prefer having Clare as a roommate than a stranger. :) I feel much better leaving this summer since she's there, too. She is also a nice roommate who said she'd take care of my plants while I am gone (I finally repotted the poor things recently).
Yay, I posted a journal entry! Once a month, that's my goal. XD
summer 09