Feb 23, 2009 03:44
God, after fiddling with the mood thing trying to describe my mood, I can't hardly remember what I was going to write.
Let's try it anyhow. I'll think as I write.
Why the hell can't people just be happy with people. Why is it everyone had to nit pick at everything everyone says or does. Why can't they just be walking along, dah de doo, dah dee dap doop! Everything is right in the world. It pisses me off. Right the fuck off. You finally face up to something and what happens? You get blown out of the god damn water. They sink your fucking battleship right then and there. So what happens? You get conditioned to not face up and tell people things! Well, then you still can't win because God shines this big old spot light on you and lets the rounds come pouring in! So, the lesson here? Just crawl under a god damned rock and pray nobody finds you or else your ass is grass.
Journals are to bitch and rant, so I'm gunna bitch and rant. Parents shoo the kiddies.
It's quite often hard to decide which is the lesser evil when dealing with things, especially hurting people. Like telling people it's over and you're moving on. So you wait, and wait, and eventually you just never get around to it. Eventually things are fine enough, they move on, find someone else. You finally break the ice and tell them you're quite happy for them and try to start a little small talk. And then things go to hell. So, being the masochist you are, you then go and talk to who you thought was a mutual friend of the other girl and yourself and what happens? Apparently you catch her on her period because boom, she pulls out the guns on you. And then bitches when you drop out of the conversation completely instead of verbally nuking her where she stands. Or sits. Whichever. All this coming after a new friend you were chatting with apparently takes offense to something, Powers know what, and makes a quick exit. However they, as Dane Cook puts it, ninja your brain. They leave in such a way to let you know they're upset over something but give no god damned clue what that something may be. Nope, they just give you those short monosyllibic sentences, not even words.
And to top it all off you've been having to tip toe around wordings so that you don't upset your lady-love who you do love dearly but is somewhat emotionally unstable from past and current upheavals of pure undiluted shit.
Cue the damned steam whistle, because my shift is done.