The Crawley Legacy 2.8

Apr 14, 2014 20:27

Let us begin this update with a bit'o Jam and Keety love.


Zoxia cannot get enough of the pool, and I cannot wait to get rid of the pool!

Who's a cute doggy?! Who got a bath?! /randombabytalk

Hugo: woof

Bridget: omg like, television is so mainstream.

Branton: I don't care you crazy hipster.

Bridget: Oh wow, like no one has ever called me a hipster before. You big baby.

Ah, sibling love.

I think Branton will be feeling that one for a while.

Branton: Hey, didja check out the new FantasticDude comic?
Bridget: Yeah it was awesome. ++

Good to see they won't be murdering each

Branton: For some reason my spleen is tingly.

This is awkward.
Also, I have no idea where the spleen is.

Branton: You are in my bubble. Get out of my bubble.

Awwwww yeah, Brinley's birthday!
Also, one of the animals wondering why they can't walk through the counter!

The whole gang is here for the big event!

Well, he will certainly need a haircut.

Voila! Brinley everyone! He gained the perceptive trait.
Maybe he will be a private investigator when he grows up?


Brinley: Hmm, is that a meteor?

Brinley: OH GOD MY EYES! IT WAS MR. AND MRS. SMITH DOING...horrible things.

Meanwhile, Bridget has a much less eventful evening of popping zits on her face.

I was looking around the park for some reason and found Leliana! She got old!

And omg Edi! She cut her hair!


Alright, alright, calm down.

Back at the home base, we find Brinley and Branton looking all cute doing their homework.

Brinley: So, Trish is hot, right? I think I'll ask her out.
Branton: Yeah, she is totally hot. Maybe I will ask her out too.

Branton: She will certainly go for me, because I am older...more mature.
Brinley: God dammit, you must be right. Suddenly I don't find her hot anymore.

(lol@Zev watching some chick flick in the background)

Oh these adorable.
I can't believe we still get to see them, it has been so long!
Okay two generations isn't THAT long, but it does feel it!

Bridget brought Patrick home with her after school.

Patrick totally had the hots for Myrtie.

Patrick: So, can I take you out to the theatre? Perhaps a show in the park?
Myrtie: Ermmm, how old are you?

Myrtie: I think not.
Patrick: Bitch, I could have been so good for you.
Gabby: wtf did I just walk in on?

Brinley: That kid is super creepy Grandma, you let him in the house?
Myrtie: Sssh, I think he has issues, leave him alone lest he becomes violent.

Zev: Mom? Really? This kid?
Myrtie: Well, I was slightly flattered but I don't think Reginald would have approved.

Moving on...
Have a picture of Zoxia doing a self tune up! Exciting!

I built the Crawley's a new house!
It is in the same neighbourhood and on the same lot.
It is pretty similar to the original house, and I am fairly happy with how it turned out!

Get ready for some spam!

Living Room

More living room.
Now that I see it again, I'm not all that happy with the walls, hmmm...

More living room with the gen 2 memorabilia area.

Sun Room

I had to zoom out a bit, the room isn't quite as big as it appears here.

More kitchen.

Again the walls...meh.

Skilling/Rec Room

More skilling/rec room.

This garage will not hold a car, it is occupied by Zev's various crafting stations and the laundry.

Powder Room

The giant mostly unusable area at the top of the stairs.

The heir photos and urns will go up here!

Bridget's Room
Again, I zoomed out a quite a bit, the room isn't really as big as it seems here.

Other side of Bridget's room

Brinley's Room
I ran with the perspective/private investigator thing and gave him a cork-board.

Other side of Brinley's room.
I love the patterns :) Click here for the source. I used this person's patterns throughout the house.

Brinley's Bathroom

Branton's Bedroom

Other side...
Branton got a computer in his room so he can write (or play video games) in peace.

Branton's Bathroom

Zev and Gabby's Room
I kept with the futuristic style for them.

Zev and Gabby's Bathroom

Myrtie's Room.
My favourite room in the house. :)

Back of the house.
I got Myrtie a golf tee thingy and got rid of the pool, hooray!


Brinley: D:<

He is just so angry! lol

Brinley gets his happy back by playing with his brand new telescope.
Yes Brinley, keep using that telescope. If you become the heir, something special may come from it. ;)

I noticed a unicorn on the map, so I sent Brinley out to make friends with it.

He spent ALL NIGHT socializing with it.

I guess he won't make it to school today... =/

Gabby finally gets to make use of her green thumb trait!

SweaterCat: Nice shot! /throwspawsandheartslikeconfetti

Myrtie: I can't believe you skipped school! There is no excuse for this behaviour!

Brinley: Whoa, whoa, whoa Granny. I was befriending a unicorn! That is a better excuse than anything!

And off he went to play chess on this absolutely kick ass multi-tiered chess table.

Branton: omg She's so pretty. Must not make eye contact.

The kids decided to have a house party.

Some of their friends are more appealing than others...


This is Desmond. :) NOT Desmond Crawley of course (Reg's first child who was never seen past the baby stage).

Brinley greets Taryn. She is pretty cute. :)

As you can see, I edited Desmond's hair slightly. I cannot STAND that slightly greenish brown colour.
Desmond and Bridget certainly have the hots for each other.

Oh Bridget, you must LOVE this.

Taryn and Brinley also fart some hearts :)
I changed Taryn's hair as well, since it was originally the same style as Gabby's.

You gotta let her win Brinley...

OF COURSE Taryn and Desmond are a couple...
Well, I will have to break them up somehow...

Unfortunately for Branton, he did not find anyone willing to fart hearts for him.

His night got even worse when this happened.

Branton: All I wanted to do was go to the bathroom...


Brinley: /sob. Oh HobbitSkeleton, how will I go on?!

Grim: Are you talking to an inanimate skeleton? How absurd.

Myrtie accepted death easily. I think she just wanted to join Reg in the afterlife. :)


The End!
Thank you for reading :)
Tune in next time for more Crawleyness and the heir poll!!! :D

legacy, generation two, crawley, sims 3

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