Valle Legacy 1.3

Aug 16, 2013 16:53


What happened last time: Acelin aged into a pouty child, Ramona and Derek finally tied the knot, and two blonde children were born by the names of Cerise and Lance.

This update is a beefy one, so prepare yourselves.

Time for a father-son outing to Lysander's favorite fishing spot :D the light blue water looks sort of startling with the snow, but I'm not complaining o:

Derek: It's chilly out, so make sure you bundle up buddy. I wouldn't want you catching a cold

sometimes derek is cute with his children :3

Acelin: Sure dad...he spoke to me

Then Derek took them to a game at the stadium :D

Acelin: Why am I here

Acelin is just a cutie girly boy he doesn't like sports

Lysander: Dad, I know you have that ball I caught.

Derek: Ball? What ball? I don't know what you're talking about.

Derek: Finders keepers, losers weepers.

Lysander: What kind of father steals from their kid? You're a real asshole sometimes, dad.

I don't take pictures of lance very much :c sorry I'm just so burnt out on babies. Ramona gives him a lot of attention, though.


Lysander: Acelin!

he finally got you back

Winter Festival! Festivals are pretty much the only time they spend together

So cute. Now put on your outerwear you mediocre dunces.

Lysander is such a badass

Acelin, why are you running away crying? Oh why does it matter, it's Acelin after all.

Derek: Hey, what's wrong little guy?

Acelin: -sniffle- why are you being so nice to me lately?

Gettin' back to her roots bby

Lance is a cutie pie

speaking of cutie pies, it's Cerise's birthday!

Beauty Queen. She gained Clumsy. So Athletic, Perfectionist, and Clumsy. Ok haha

Ramona's turn!

Ramona: Wait, I changed my mind!

no! wrinkles here we come!

aweh my old baby

I gave her a more mature make-over. still a babe

Ramona: This isn't so bad...I think...

Ramona: Do I look ok...? I look too old to be with you now, don't I?

Derek: Are you kidding? You look just as beautiful as the day I met you. More beautiful, even.

Ramona: Really?

Derek: Really.

Derek: And those cans are still rockin'

Bobo grew up too :|

Derek knows how I feel.

I re-did the nursery as Cerise's bedroom. It was so much fun! I have so many cute patterns hahaha

Ramona got the "extra creative" lifetime wish so now her brush ~sparkles~

We got a kitten named Sondra! She's a big girl ._. but she's a manx awwweh I love their little knub tails :3

Yes I dress him as effeminate as possible and no I am not ashamed

The athletic kids get to play together now :D

Birthday Time! Uhm...wat...

I took the liberty of changing his fur >o> He's just un-shaved now. fluffy butt!

Ramona: Do you think we're doing the right thing? He's still so young...

Derek: It'll be fine, dear. He'll be getting a great education, and will be back before you know it. One less kid omg one less ?kid!

Yup, I sent Acelin off to boarding school :c It's not that I didn't want him around, there was just too many sims. I just needed a break, but I planned on keeping him home through his teen years. Bye Acelin! We love you!

Acelin: How could they do this to me?

Yes. Truly "extra creative"

Ramona: I can't believe I just sent my little boy across the country by himself!

Ramona isn't take it well :c

so she's letting out all her grief on her last baby

Ramona: Mama loves you baby. I'll never let Derek talk me into sending you away

Lance: But mama I'm hungryyyyy -gets absorbed-

At least this means she's getting all his training done

Squirrels aren't children I suppose

Birthday Time! omg my first teen eeeeee~!

Prepare your hearts, l's and g's.

He's cute :3 He gained Nurturing. Aweh! You're so freaking precious.

Boinky grew up too and is apparently pregnant with a little mini boinky :P

Cerice: How about reading your favorite kid a bed time story, dad?

Derek: I told her to never repeat that

Derek: Why don't you stupid kids let me have some time to myself for once?!


your face unf why do you do this to me

Lysander: Dad can be a real douche sometimes, don't worry about it. How about I read you a bedtime story instead?

Cerise: I's not that big of a deal..I guess if you want...

cerise's little bruised ego :c

Cerise: Hell~o brother ;]

or at least that'd be my reaction

Lysander: Night, sis.

So since I made the old nursery into Cerise's bedroom I had to move Lance's crib into Lysander's room and omg I feel so bad

But he seems to sleep through it really well

more together timeee :#

how can you be so bad :|

I had actually planned a gift giving party minutes before this, but I guess if the person throwing the party leaves then the party is off. ok. Well there's only one teen so...

Those worried looks. It's like they already know we're going to throw a party.

Cerise is always giving the pets a lot of attention it's cute

Ok so let me explain: They've been having snow days for like the past week so Lysander hasn't had the opportunity to meet any other friends besides the three kids that were invited to Acelin's birthday party. She was the only girl, so yeah no.

And besides this guy kept her preoccupied the entire time.

Lysander: ehhhh this sucks

That guy: Hey, no offense man but this whole party is kind of a huge sausage fest. Only inviting three people is a recipe for lame.

Lysander: Yeah. I know I guess I just through more people would come...

She kept stepping on his toes every few seconds I'm not even kidding

That girl: omg I'm so sorry I just stepped on your toes for the 432,535th time!

But it's not like he'd get much action anywhere else

That guy: Don't worry 'bout it It ain't no thang

As soon as he sat down to play video games with his sister the TV broke

Cerise: Wow thanks for making my night as lame as yours

The party never really ended because everyone just passed out on the floor.

Sondra: I don't like ants!

Houston: Yeah well I hate dogs!

my pets are geniuses

So Cerise got invited to this little pretty girl's house. Her name is Gretta

And I discovered this little cutie was her brother! His name is Damian.

And this is their brother Lyle. Idk why, but my game gives a lot of men pigtails when they age up xD It amuses me a lot.

And they have this adorable fat cat! He reminds me of Muta from The Cat Returns :3

So I got this little pop-up that Acelin hates the boarding school he was at. I love my baby so I let him come home!

Lysander: Hey bro, what are you doing back from the school of peace and love?

Acelin: Believe it or not, it was worse than living with mom and dad. I'll be washing away the smell of B.O. from my clothes for weeks.

Lysander: Haha that's rough! But still worse than mom and dad? Hard to imagine.

Birthday time! And yes, the parents are STILL gone. Missing their youngest's birthday -shakes head-


He rolled couch potato. So Evil, Slob, Couch Potato. He justti sounds like such great boyfriend material already.

Riley grew up! Riley actually isn't that annoying, so I'm keeping him/her around.

Acelin: Ahhh so good to be home

Cerise: Get out mah bed >:c

Ok so I tried to make Acelin sleep in his old bed, but he absolutely WOULD NOT. Every time I tried to make him, the action would disappear.

In the end I got him to sleep in his parents bed. I thought maybe the bunk beds were just glitching out idk.

Lysander: Jesus, Lance take a bath!

Lance: Don't have to, mom and dad aren't here.

Cerise: -chokes- that's so gross...


Parents came home! The first thing Ramona did was walk into her daughter's room and stare with envy

Ramona: Why can't I have a nice room?

Make us some money and you can!


Lance took on the torch of discovering a potion to make the imaginary friends real. He looks so cute!

I set Lysander off to explore the town when I found this little cutie ;]

Lysander: Hey, you new here? I'm Lysander.

Pretty Girl: Yeah, I am. The name's Annette. He's kinda cute

Lysander: So did it ever snow this much where you're from?

Annette: Actually, I'm from the desert so this is my first time seeing snow! I find those little men made of snow kind of horrifying to be honest.

Lysander: Well since it's your first time seeing snow, you probably don't know that this is what we northerners consider "cuddle weather", if you catch my drift.

Annette: Right...

Then he started telling ghost stories and she just kinda left.

I love you, but you're terrible at this.

I tried to make Lysander and Cerise have some quality time together at the park.

Cerise spent the entire time in the igloo she made. She has a hidden loner trait I swear.

Birthday time!

Acelin: They care...they actually care...

Actually, I think they just want some cake bb

You're kinda goofy looking. He rolled the Neat trait. So Loser, Hydrophobic, Neurotic, and Neat.
Sounds about right.

And where is Cerise during all of this? Outside playing. She's over this shit.

Ramona: Woooo my baby! Now you're up Derek!

Derek: Wait, what?

Yes, it is also Derek's Birthday!

Derek: I can't believe I just spent my youth on these brats

oh you love them


Ramona: You look so handsome, honey!

Derek: Really? I don't think I've come to terms with just how old I am yet

Derek: So thank you, dear. It means a lot to me

Cerise swoops in once everyone has left. Atta girl.

Jorge died :c sorry Jorge

So I finally cracked down and gave Lysander his own grown up room.

I tried to re-do the youngest boys room, but Lance too couldn't seem to get into the room.

I think it's because Boinky's vengeful soul keeps them out :P

jk. I forgot I had locked the door awhile back. But after re-doing the room several times I finally gave up and just got Lance a sleeping bag. whatever he's happy

Bobo: Hey Cerise! Oh...oh...!

Cerise: What do you think this is, a free peep show? Go on, get out! Shoo!

cerise ain't havin' none of yo shit.

Riley: And so I told him that Cerise was waiting for him in the bathroom huehueheue

Lance: hehhehheh that's awesome

Lysander suddenly got the wish to hang out with Annette and go to prom right after another, so I took it as a sign.

Lysander: Oh hey, you made it! I wasn't sure if you would seeing as you just kinda took off the other day...

Annette: Oh yeah, sorry about that. My dad suddenly called and demanded I come back home. He's been kinda weird lately. But what's up?

Lysander: Well...I actually had something I wanted to...uhm...

Lysander: Flowers?

Annette: Omg they match my hair!

Lookit that cute face

Annette: I have something for you too, just turn around.

Lysander: Uhm...ok...

Lysander: Hahaha wow, I totally had that coming!

And so the two cuties threw water balloons at each the rain.  Oh you dummies.

Look who Cerise also found at the park! :D

And they, too, ran around like idiots in the rain. At least Damian has enough sense to use an umbrella.

Lysander: So, the real reason I invited you out was because I wanted to ask you out to prom.

Annette: I'd like that.


I find this unsettling.

I gave Acelin a guitar for a birthday present. Maybe he'll have something going for him now.


Who is it? Cerise's crush :3 I didn't even invite him over, he just stopped by. It was super cute.

Cerise invites him inside out of the rain.

Cerise: Hey, since you're already here why don't you just stay the night?

Damian: Re-really? I'd love to, thanks! My house is really cramped so I have to share a twin bed with my brother.

Brother #1 moves in

Then brother #2 poor Damian.

Damian: You have a really nice house! It's so big!

Lysander: Oh, thanks. Yeah it's alright. He's a nice kid, I approve.

Cerise: Get away from my man

In the middle of a tender moment here Bobo

That's not your bed.

That's your bed.

That's where I'll leave off. It feels weird not ending on a birthday haha

I'm trying to crank out these updates because I'm anxious to get onto generation 2, so expect more soon. Thanks for reading!

valle legacy

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