Catching up.

Jun 03, 2014 08:22

Things have been chugging along around here. Declan has a lot of poop and his butt is raw. After a trip to the docs and several calls they finally gave us a fungal cream. He cries for hours after we change him. This is not an exaggeration. Hours! SO of course we don't want to change him but we have to b/c not changing him makes it worse. Ive left him naked and its messy but it seems to help a little. Poor guy.

Its also finally warming up outside which is good.  Work was nice yesterday cuz the jerk guy was out. I'm going into the insane week ahead on top of things so hopefully that will ease the stress of work a bit.  Rob and I couldn't get a babysitter so we missed our first therapy session & I have no idea when to reschedule. This whole week is screwed up child care wise. Its my jobs fault but also my mother in law. I blame her for so much of my anger/stress/anxiety! Grr.  K's new aba lady is doing awesome with him! I see progress but the DR i mentioned last week called as well. We have phone consult set up for tomorrow.

And last but not least we called several fencing companies. For just ONE SIDE of the yard (the side falling down) and the cheaper end fence its $1200! Thats not even a new gate! I hate leaving a job half done but we have no choice. Were going to do it & that will be the last of robs extra order money. So after that we'll go back to the paycheck to paycheck trouble & trying to pay down credit card debts. Gah!
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