Jun 27, 2007 14:50
The fuck with this heat?
How much longer can I live without air conditioning?
This is the last I'll say about Brandon Pinette and JRE08 from an angle that expressly concerns my employment:
I wrote him an e-mail and told him that I'm no longer available for the summer, so he can stop looking for a place to live me (if he ever started looking, that is), but told him that if JRE makes it into the general, the campaign owes me a job out west. He wrote back and told me that he'd keep me updated on employment opportunities, and apologized profusely. So ok, it's official now: Mayberry summer. Just as soon as possible. And that's ok.
Speaking of employment: Dad was moved to another plant yesterday. This is good for his job security, because it's described as the "core plant," and will be the last of the Delphi plants to close in this area, if it ever even closes. Also, he will be on the three-days-on/three-days-off cycle, which I think he's looking forward to. I would be.
A'course, he'as that hernia t'deal wit'.
In the past three days, I have showered five times. I have watched two Al Pacino movies. I have worn the same shorts and no shirt. I've eaten an entire box of Kellogg's Smart Start. I have tried to go to sleep before midnight... each time, to no avail. Cortland Summer....
n. college dropout,